I recently had my progesterone level checked, via salivary testing, and it came back crazy high.
3,025 with a reference range of 12-100 pg/mL.
Current protocol is 60mg TC, 2X week, HCG: 250iu M,W,F and 10mg pregnenolone (helps with anxiety and makes me calm). Occasionally use 125ug Adex when E2 creeps up.
Last labs had me at TT 885 (300-1100ng/dL); FT at 238 (47-244pg/mL), E2 at 28, and SHBG at 23. Also had pregnenolone level checked: 62 (22-237 ng/dL).
I feel fine, libido, erections all good.
Could the pregnenolone be the culprit? Is a progesterone level that high something to be concerned about?
I would not keep it that high. Maybe reduce your dose to 5mg and then retake lab
If still high check DHEAS as well they’re both made in the adrenal glands. And cortisol too.
I started taking pregnenolone a couple months back for the calming effects and it really helps.
From what I’ve read, 10mg isn’t a very high daily dose.
That’s the first time I’ve ever measured my progesterone and ordered an at-home kit, as I was curious what effect the pregnenolone was having. Stupidly, I didn’t think to take a test PRIOR to starting the pregnenolone.
I see my urologist next month for my standard visit. I’ll ask him to run progesterone via blood.