Vertical Jump

For maximum power development, always! That doesn’t mean lowering the weights fast, that means ALWAYS trying to LIFT IT as fast as you possibly can.

hey numba

please post the split as you would do it for 3 days …that is what you said would be optimal right???

yeh because of the volume is just a little too high weiht six execises over a two day split. Ill put it up in a little bit.

I added to the snatch and clean movement the split version and i consider a keystone deadlift the same as a stiff legged deadlift so i changed it. If i had the time this is the way id do it, but I dont. The two day approach i believe works quite well though and you still get the same results, just you have to worry more about overtraining and stagnation because of the increased volume. Also as active recovery I use a high rep DB movement with about 50 total reps on off days to get the blood flowing, and i feel this works nicely in conjunction with the energy system work. In the case of a three day split the high rep DB exercise up to build to 100reps is used on the third day as well.

Day 1
1)Snatch Movement
A)From Floor
B)From blocks below knees
C)From blocks above knees
D)Split Version

2)Snatch Deadlift Movement
A)From Floor
B)From Blocks Below Knees
C)From Blocks above knees
D)From Podium
E)Eccentric Deadlift

3)Hip Extension Movement
A)Jumping Keystone deadlift
B)Single Keystone Deadlift
C)Keystone Deadlift
D)Single Leg Key Stong Deadlift
E)Good Mornings(i like these the most)

4)Jerk Movement

Day 2
1)Pressing Movement
A)Bench Press
B)Incline Bench Press
C)Military Press
D)DB Versions of the above

2)Tricep Movement
A)Overhead Extension
B)Press Down
C)Skill Crusher

3)Lat Movement
A)DB Row
B)BB Row

4)Push Press
A)In front of neck
B)Behind Neck

Day 3
1)Clean Movement
A)From Floor
B)From Blocks Below Knees
C)From Blocks Above Knees
D)Split Version

2)Clean Pull
A)From Floor
B)From Blocks Below Knees
C)From Blocks above knees

3)Squat Movement
A)Box Squat
B)1/4 Squat
C)Single Leg 1/4 Squat
D)Front Squat
E)Olympic Squat

4)Explosive Movement
A)Jump Squat
B)Vertical Leap Snatch Grip

so is H,S,P…hypertrophy, strenght, power??

how long do the blocks last?? I’m not concerned at all with H since I play basketball…so should I just do S,P blocks?? what about doing like a week and a week??

so basically for S you work with triples…and P with singles??

say on day 1 you do a set of snatch movement followed imediatley by a snatch dl, hip etc…rest and repeat?

or what…it wasnt clear to me sorry…

Its not hypertrophy like your thinking of, you build up to a 5RM so in effect your still building strength, but because of the higher reps and TUT naturally hypertrophy will follow. Building up to a 3RM is for strength and heavy singles for power. They lasts 4 weeks with the 4th weeks used as an unloading week(i go for a pb in the Squat Bench and DL one day then Clean and Snatch on another with three attempts at each). No you dont go straight from one to the other. I do all of the sets/reps of one then move onto the other. 2 min breaks between sets and exercises is sufficient. You could do one set of the first exercise, rest 2 min, then the next and continue til youve done all the exercises, start over until youve covered all of the sets. How ever this wouldnt would well because ME exercises are a build up to a 5RM. So basically each phase is 4 weeks, with the 4th week as an unloading week. Ill post the more specific definition of the set/rep range for each phase later.

Oly lifts and Pulls
H-3x3, 3x2, rest pause(15 sec between reps)
S-5x2, rest pause(30sec between reps)
ME Lifts
H-Build to 5RM
S-Build to 3RM
Explosive Lifts
P-3x3, 3x2
Assistance Lifts

The beauty of this program is its flexability. For instance in the hip extension category i dont like doing Good mornings to a 5RM, i feel the back muscles tire too soon, but I can use it in the S and P phases if i choose to because that is very reasonable. Its up to you, you choose the exercises based on what you want to do that week, dont do the same exercise more than two to three weeks in a row, I change every week, even if its just going back and forth using one more often then the other.