DC Week 1 Workout A1
Weighted ring dips:
+35x6+3 rest/pause
Dip stretch w/35lbs x15s
Dip stretch BW x60s + foot assist
DB press:
30x11+5 rest/pause
Ring shoulder stretch x60s
Close grip bench:
135x6+3 rest/pause
Tricep stretch on racked bar x60s
Overhand chins:
+30x6+3 rest/pause
Hanging lat stretch w/30lbs x60s + foot assist
BB row:
Ring inverted back stretch x60s
Lateral raise:
Band shoulder dislocates x30s
Alright, first Dogg Crapp workout in the books. This is coming off a planned deload and then a surprise one after coming down with some kind of wretched illness last week. Might’ve been covid, not sure.
Numbers are funny, but can only go up from here. So detrained to this kind of thing I anticipate lots of progress early on.
@T3hPwnisher Writing the lifts out the workout looks like nothing, then an hour managed to go by haha. This was a pretty efficient day too. Suppose all those stretches and using actual timed rest periods means something.
Dawned on me that I could use my feet as an assist during some of the stretches to keep the set going longer without committing sins to my shoulders or elbows that could never be forgiven.
I’m actually looking forward to lifting again for the first time in a while. It’s nice how simple this is after so many years of circuits and giant sets and all that jazz. Now just got to get the numbers back up!