Using one Whatman for multiple vials?

I bought a bulk test oil kit 10x10ml vials for a good price

To save money I wanted to use the same Whatman to filter multiple vials, just replacing the needle and syringe it’s attached to to filter all 10 vials with one filter, but I am wondering if that would be hygienic and/or safe as long as I used gloves and everything was super clean.

Thoughts? Please give some good thoughtful insight

Its probably ok as long as you’re doing it all in one shot using hygienic practices. However, you can buy them in packs of 10 or 20 for about $2 a piece so IMO spend the $20 and do it one for one. Just my opinion.

I only have 10ml syringes so I’ll probably have to take off the Whatman and put it on each of the sterile syringes once I’m done with each vial, that’s why I was wondering about the safety I wasn’t planning on using like 100ml syringe to do it all in one go

That’s the main reason why I was wondering about the safety of it

Well the continued handling opens exposure to contamination. If you’re super carful and sanitary its likely no issue. I’ve gotten an abcess before so I don’t even draw and pin with the same needle anymore. I switch them for an IM injection. But most don’t.