Usain Bolt Breaks 150 Meter WR

Okay so this is not a “real” track event, but how ridiculously good is this guy. Seriously, I am blown away.

yeah, that’s unreal.

So they are just gonna make up events that he can be awesome at ?

What ya wanna bet he is really good at the 175 too ?

I find two things funny about this:

  1. It was all a straight away. Not even half a curve.
  2. It appears he tried harder in this invented race than he did in his Olympic 100 m final. Which was also a world record.

I love him! he’s so ridicilious

i hope they do make more events he can be awesome at.

How much longer until you think he begins to realize that he’s in the Matrix?

(*edited for grammar)

[quote]AngryVader wrote:
How much longer until you think he begins realize that he’s in the Matrix?[/quote]

Nice Animatrix reference, lol.

[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
AngryVader wrote:
How much longer until you think he begins realize that he’s in the Matrix?

Nice Animatrix reference, lol.[/quote]

lol…I was hoping someone would get that. :slight_smile:

[quote]WS4JB wrote:
So they are just gonna make up events that he can be awesome at ?

What ya wanna bet he is really good at the 175 too ?[/quote]

150 meters has been “made up” before, mostly in order to compare the best 200 m and 100 m runners in the world… however, Usain is the best at both, so it doesn’t prove anything. It’s still fun though.

i hate when sprinters wear socks

Did a quick search and couldn’t find this on here. So enjoy it if you haven’t seen it a thousand times already.