Excuse me?
There are 4000 jews working in WTC. On September 11th, NONE of them showed up for work!
Explain that? People just dont call in sick, all of same nationality all on the day the America became Germany 1933, all 4000 of them.
STatistically it is next to IMPOSSIBLE for 4000 all of jewish fate not to show up in wtc!
Look, the Israel has been a beneficiary of WTC.
Why? Because now America is killing poor Arabs.
While I, personally dont like arabs - I feel q bit of sympathy for them. Arabs are being prosecuted too much!
Israel doesnt even belong to Israel! The only reason as to why Israeli have a claim to the land is because of the Nukes/Tanks (and the bible. We all know how false many releigeous books are).
Where is democracy where Nukes/Tanks/Bombers do the talking?