This i my current physique. Can you guys give me an estimate on BF?
Much appreciated.
it looks like 10 percent, but without a picture of you holding a shoe who even knows to be honest
Like 12%…
Just keep bulking up, especially lats.
you’re both idiots. you’re definitely sub 10%
Not in his legs. And definetely not in his midsection. But who really cares?
[quote]eightohfive wrote:
you’re both idiots. you’re definitely sub 10%[/quote]
no sure if srs
[quote]fatassbob wrote:
it looks like 10 percent, but without a picture of you holding a shoe who even knows to be honest[/quote]
Where is the shoe?
[quote]ThomasK wrote:
New pics.[/quote]
Judging from the angle of your hair in this pic. 33°
You want to see my calfs, or what?
[quote]ThomasK wrote:
This i my current physique. Can you guys give me an estimate on BF?
Much appreciated.
Thomas [/quote]
I would guess you are at about 18%. I have had mine done via Bod Pod and have seen others go through the same thing. One guy I knew was told he was at 5%. This was done via calipers of course. His results later showed him at 18. He looked pretty similar to you.
your abs are clearly visible but not chiseled out and vascular. That probably means you are between 10 and 12%, probably closer to ten by the looks of you.