I’ve been doing some research and I’m wanting to run an AAS cycle consisting of the following:
Weeks 1-10: 300mg/week Test Prop
Weeks 1-8: 525mg/week Tren Ace
Are the doses okay and also, should I switch the test to a longer ester like Enanthate and start the tren like at week 3??
That sounds like a pretty popular cycle, higher tren lower test… You okay with pinning every day? Because with tren ace and test prop the most ideal dosing schedule is every day. Injecting every other day will leave your blood levels going up and down; giving you all those nice sides we all love so much…,.
Yeah…I’ve never pinned ED before but I read that it’s not that bad. Another option is I could run both as Enanthate esters. But then I’d probably experience the tren sides a bit more, which I don’t want to!
[quote]gundecker wrote:
Yeah…I’ve never pinned ED before but I read that it’s not that bad. Another option is I could run both as Enanthate esters. But then I’d probably experience the tren sides a bit more, which I don’t want to![/quote]
Not necessarily. The longer ester, all things being equal, would make it easier to keep your blood levels stable and so minimize sides. The problem comes when or if you do have sides: with the short ester you can stop the injects and the aas will clear quickly but with the long ester even after you stop you’ll have over a week before it clears…
Maybe I misread a post by Brooks then. I believe he mentioned that he experiences lesser sides with more frequent, smaller AAS injections.