Unorthodox Methods

[quote]ecogenx wrote:
I’ve got to try that frog stand exercise. Thanks for posting the video.[/quote]
go easy with it first, don’t overstress the wrists. Tryed it yesterday and came to the conclusion, to practice it once a week for the moment for maximum performance and recovery. Ah well, monday’s triceps work and dips didn’t help me much on tuesday when I tried.

2012-07-30 MONDAY: Lat, Triceps


65 min WALK

Warm up:
5 min K-Bell spin 12 kg
Farmer’s walk 2 x 9 kg

Triceps overhead with both hands, using Kettlebells :
10 x 8 kg
7 x 12 kg
7 x 12 kg
8 x 12 kg
12 x 7 kg - 6 x 8 kg Drop set

Dips Alternating with: 10, 8 x + 4 kg, 8 x + 4 kg, 8
Pylo Pushups: 6/6/6

Fly/ Press 2 x 9 kg: (10/8 ) (10/8 ) (8/5)

K-Bell Floor Press 4kg: 7/5/5/5

30 min run at night (heat)

Abs/ Core to finish it off:
3 x 10 x Leg raises
3 x 10 x Bridge
3 x K-Bell Crunch Drop Sets/ Bicycles

Good workout. Despite the heat I have to get my reps in earlier the next days.

2012-07-31 Tue: BBP

110 min Walk
Foam rolling

6 min K-Bell spin 12 kg
6 min K-Bell throws, juggling 4 kg, 8 kg
2 min Fig 8 - 4 kg, 8 kg

3 x Fussschaukel
3 x Knee Ups
3 x Squats
3 x Bear crawl
2 x crow
3 x Renegade Rows

Good workout, hot, to late for my day planning, tho.
While warming up I, improvised and threw in a kettlebell throwing/ juggling session with my daughter - was fun.

2012-08-01 wed: Bizeps/ Lat.


5 min K-Bell spin 12 kg
KZ wide (with ropes): 6/6/6
KZ narrow (with ropes): 6/6/5

Lat rows: 5 x 6 x 12 kg
C-Curl: 4 x 4 x 12 kg
Hammer-Curl 4 kg: 4/4/6/4
3 x Griptraining with tennisball and rubberband

34 min run, cross country, 10 min. Walk.

2 x Core Crusher
30 min Bike� 
Foam Rolling

Shoulders were tired, run was good

2012-08-02 thur: BBP

3 x Fusschaukel/ Knee Ups
5 min Step Ups
3 x Farmer’s walk 2 x 12 kg
3 x Poor man’s leg curl
3 x Walkouts/ Knee Ups
2 min rope skipping

40 min Bike
Foam Rolling

Spiced things up a bit today with the walk session. Rope skipping was very satisfying.

2012-08-03 fri: shoulders

8 min K-Bell spin 8 kg
3 x Waiter walks 2x 4 kg

Lat. raises 4 kg: 8/10/10/8/5
Clean & Press 4 kg: 6/6/6/6/5
Front raises 4 kg: 3/4/3/3
Traps 12 kg: 4/5/5/5
Fly/ Swim 4 kg: (8/5) (10/7) (5/5)
Frog Pushup: 5/5/4/3

50 min walk
20 min run

3 x K-BellCrunch/ Bicycles
3 x 10 x Bridge

good workout, fast run

2012-08-04 sa: Regeneration

20 min walk
60 min bike


2012-08-05 sun: freestyle

Pull up stroll



I wondered what the “kbell spin” was that you posted and just now saw it in one of your videos. We do a variation that my coach calls “equators.” Hold the bell higher than where you had it…so that you are passing it around your body at just above navel level, keeping core tight and shoulders down. If you try it for say, 10 reps around then repeat in the other direction, you should feel it in your shoulders. :slight_smile:


[quote]KBgal wrote:

I wondered what the “kbell spin” was that you posted and just now saw it in one of your videos. We do a variation that my coach calls “equators.” Hold the bell higher than where you had it…so that you are passing it around your body at just above navel level, keeping core tight and shoulders down. If you try it for say, 10 reps around then repeat in the other direction, you should feel it in your shoulders. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks. Equators makes sense. Will try today it tomorrow, since I sheduled rope skipping for warmup and the shoulders had a good workout yesterday.
Problem with the naming is, most of the exercises are not commonly labelled and my trys are in the german speaking region they’re most exotic, which makes naming more complicated.

I do however feel the equators mostly in shoulders and forearms. I’ ll try them around the navel the next time, once again, thanks.

[quote]Avocadoshake wrote:

[quote]KBgal wrote:

I wondered what the “kbell spin” was that you posted and just now saw it in one of your videos. We do a variation that my coach calls “equators.” Hold the bell higher than where you had it…so that you are passing it around your body at just above navel level, keeping core tight and shoulders down. If you try it for say, 10 reps around then repeat in the other direction, you should feel it in your shoulders. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks. Equators makes sense. Will try today it tomorrow, since I sheduled rope skipping for warmup and the shoulders had a good workout yesterday.
Problem with the naming is, most of the exercises are not commonly labelled and my trys are in the german speaking region they’re most exotic, which makes naming more complicated.

I do however feel the equators mostly in shoulders and forearms. I’ ll try them around the navel the next time, once again, thanks.[/quote]

I agree that sometimes we’re doing the same or similar things just calling them something different. :slight_smile:
Have a great day!

I noticed as well, that my waiter (waiter’s?) walks are more like elevated farmer’ s walks. Doing it with two kettlebells is a great static shoulder exercise which targets the stabilizing muscles in the forearms as well - more than the dumbbell variation. And grip strenght is one of my primary goals alongside.
A great day to you!

2012-08-06 Mon.: Chest/ Triceps


2 x 1 min rope skipping, 60 sec Break between sets
2 min Equators 8 kg
3 x Suitcase Walk 20 kg

Trizeps with both hands:
8 x 12 kg
10 x 12 kg
8 x 12 kg
9 x 12 kg - 7 x 8 kg Drop set
6 x 12 kg - 5 x 8 kg Drop set
8 x 8 kg

Dips + 4 kg/ Spiderman pushups: (4/6) (4/6) (4/6) (4/4)

^Spiderman PU, asked to be filmed, to check my form

Chest press/ Butterfly 2 x 10 kg: (6/5) (6/5) (6/3)
With 2 x 9 kg: (4/4)

Kettlebell floor press 2 x 4 kg: 4/4/4/4

30 min Run
40 min Walk

3 x Core Crusher with sraight leg raises

Spidey is a nice change, good workout.

Found an astounding photo evidence of my transformation while sorting old pictures and my daughter made the actual one with me yesterday - unaware of it
march 2010 - 85 kg, august 2012 - 70.5 kg. The guinea pig is not the issue here.

2012-08-07 tue: BBP

gym. - slightly sore lat and shoulders - surprise!

Ca. 60 min play outside - Boomerang throwing (and catching), Frisbee, ballsport.

5 min Equators 12/ 8 kg
5 min Kettlebell Swing/ Snatch
2 min Fig. 8 - 8 kg

3 x Bodyweight Deadlift/ Fusschaukel
3 x Knee Ups/ Bear Crawl
3 x reverse bear crawls up a small hill
3 x Renegade Rows 2 x 4 kg

Kettlebell throwing, juggling (4) 8 kg

40 min walk.
30 min bike

Daughter joined me and we did some extra crawls and kettlebell exercise for the fun of it

2012-08-08 wed: Lat, Bizeps

9 min bikesprints
Foam Rolling

2 x 1 min rope skipping, 30 sec between Sets
2 min Equators 8 kg
3 x Farmer’s walk 2 x 12 kg

Aussie Pullups - still stuffed with pullups from last sunday:

Lat-rows both hands 2 x 6 kg: 6/10/10/10

Lat-Rudern one hand:
4 x 20 kg
5 x 20 kg
5 x 20 kg
5 x 20 kg - 4 x 12 kg - Drop Set
5 x 20 kg - 4 x 12 kg - Drop Set
4 x 12 kg

3 x 12 kg
4 x 12 kg
4 x 12 kg
3 x 12 kg - 2 x 8 kg - Drop Set

Hammer-Curl 6kg: 4/4/4/4

3 x Tennisball kneading, rubberband spread

20 min trailrunning

2 x 10 x straight leg raises

30 Bike

3 x Kettlebell Crunch/ Bicycles/ 10 x back bridge

seems like a lot, was much fun tho

2012-08-09 thur.: BBP


3 x Fussschaukel/ Knee Ups
4 x Poor man’s leg curl
5 min Step Ups
3 x Fig. 4/ Walkouts
2 x 1 min Box Jumps 60 sec Braek
3 x Fusschaukel/ Bodyweight Deadlifts
3 x Deadlifts 2 x 4 kg
3 x Plank Walkouts
Shoulder dislocates
Foam Rolling

9 min Bike sprints
60 min Walk
60 min Bike

2012-08-10 fri: Schultern


Vitaparcours with daughter, 60 min hike

21 min run

Side Raises 2 x 4 kg: 7/6/6/7
Clean & Press 2 x 4 kg: 5/6/5/6
Front Raises 4 kg: 3/4/4/2
Traps 2 x 12 kg: 6/6/8/6
Fly/ Swim 4 kg: (4/4) (8/6) (7/4) (7/5)
Frog Pushup: 5/5/3

2 x Kettlebell Crunch 8 kg/ Bicyles/ 10 x bridge

2012-08-11 sat: Regeneration

40 min walk
30 bike

^Vitaparcours: hike or run with bodyweight exercises

2012-08-12 sun: Regeneration

80 min. walk.

2012-08-13 Mon: Deload week, whole Body BW exercises

Plan this week: 3 x Bodyweight workouts, runs on bw days. HIIT; rope skipping, sledgehammer workout on not Gk days.

morning gymnastics

19 min Trailrunning ( significantly in the 5 min / K range)
37 min HIIT Bike

Trifecta until 8 reps (!PR) == 64 Deadlifts, Pullups, Pushups - replaced Squats with bw deadlifts
2 x Core Crusher

3 x crow handstand
3 x Dead Hangs

that was a solid workout

2012-08-14 tue: Hammer Time

8 min bikesprint
54 min bike ride with my daughter
18 min Walk

Sledgehammer Workout (4 kg):
Warmup: 8 min rope skipping
then 4 bouts (7-6 min) with:
Churn Butter
The Fireman
Tuck the Bales

Fazit:Phew! That’s a whole body workout. Check it out.

2012-08-15 wed: Whole Body


19 min trailrunning (slightly over 5 min/km)
3 x Knee Ups/ Fussschaukel

30 min Walk.
8 min bikesprint

Trifecta til 8 - BW Deadlifts instead of squats
3 x Spiderman Pushups
3 x Dead Hangs
3 x crow

30 min bike
2 x Kettlebell Crunch, Bicycles, 10 x bridge

didn’t fancy the core crusher today

For those of you who wonder about the bike sprints. These are short errands around here where I bike as fast as possible.

Oh, and proper rest is essential.

2012-08-16 thur: Hammer Time

27 bike hiit
22 min walk.

Sledge hammer Workout (4 kg):
Warmup: 5 min Equators 8 kg
waiter walks 2 x 8 kg
Followed by 4 circuits (7-6 min) with these exercises:
Churn Butter
The Fireman
Tuck the Bales
Front lever

Didn’t fancy boxing, swapped exercises

2012-08-17 fri: Bodyweight


22 min trailrunning

2 min Rope skipping
Trifecta til 9!!! - BW Deadlifts instead of squats
3 x bear crawl

30 min Bike
2 x 10 x leg raises/ bridge
2 x Kettlebell Crunch/ bicycles,

Much work around the house today, no time for a stroll :frowning: