Hi, I am looking for some insight on why am I the way that I am, this might be lengthy but I am out of all options right now and looking for help on people with knowledge in this.
Let me start off first with saying I have 46xx male testicular disorder, I am unable to have children and also this is the reason my doctors say my testosterone is so low. I am 27 years old and have had a rocky past and part of my symptoms is probably depression which I am not ruling out but I am sure there is something more.
Back in high school I was so tired every morning trying to get out of bed for school, I had no concentration back in school and had a no care attitude since then. When I was in elementary school everyone thought I was a genius I had perfect grades and I cared about life and where I was going. Lately just getting out of bed to go to work is killing me, I come home and have to relax the rest of the night or I am shot for the next day.
Some of my symptoms, I started with the weight of 169 now I am 197, I have a lot of aches and pains in my body randomly, my throat is always sore and I have been coughing for 3-4 years and they didn’t find anything medically wrong. I have been tired constantly for 6 years, everyday I wake up I feel the same I never fully wake up, feels like I am in a dream all the time. I am fatigued for 5-6 years, my left eye vision has been getting blurry lately and I had 20/20 vision 2 years ago for my pilot’s license. A couple years ago to about a year ago I would get angry really easy from nothing and blow up, lately I don’t even have the energy to be angry or upset I just go meh. I have lost the thrill in life and felt drained for so long and so kicked down I just need my life back. I will start with some other lab results before I get into the numbers.
Just a side note, when I was taking androgel, my fingers and joints were in so much pain all the time and my chest felt tight, also my walking got really bad my doctor took me off of it and that was the only thing that gave me energy but I never felt awake off that or anything I took. I also take vitamins a lot of b complex but that doesn’t do anything either…
I did a few tests, semen test was azoospermic. My thyroid measures at 4 cm in length for the right lobe, and 3.3cm in length for the left lobe. They found a cyst in my left testicle 3x2x4mm, right testicle 25x10x13mm left testicle 21x8x15mm.
I apologize if this isn’t sorted well I am trying to write this with all the information I have.
Also while you read these results I was on Androgel 4 pumps from August to October, Delatestryl 50mg once every 2 weeks October to December and 50mg once a week December to February, Axiron 2 swipes 1 each arm from February till now.
Also all my doctors believe in the .2-6 thyroid, and that my testosterone should be only 10 because of the chromosome issue. Also I am in Canada. All these are done in 2013.
I spent hours sorting out all my blood work, and this is the only way I can show it with it looking somewhat normal.
Thanks Sandor