Underdosed. Help

Hopefully somone can clear this up for me.
I aquired a 10ml bottle of testoplex 400.
Its 175mg test e 175mg test c and 50mg test prop…
I was told that each dose of 1ml will provide a good dose of test and two vials enough for a 12 week cycle

But now I see the label states 100mg/ml!
Is this a really under dosed product as I was hoping to get my test up high on first week on a front load
please can somone explain the 100mg/ml in this labels case , as this seems like it would be waaaay to low and would require a lot of liquid in the glutes to get where I want …

sounds like you got prop when you wanted a long ester blend. Just to see what ester it is. I’d bet dollars to doughnuts it says propionate.

Your solution is to acquire more test. Get in touch with your source and ask for an exchange. Be polite.

kinda weird that the label says 100mg/ml, but it does appear to be a test blend.

I think you’re fine. It looks like a 400mg/ml test blend to me.

Yeah I thought it was weird but now I can’t find out for sure…
I pinned monday and pip was bad but manegable for me to go training and work.
But wow I really dont want to go through pip’s like that for weak doseage .
Anyone else have any ideas about this please?

[quote]Kage wrote:
Anyone else have any ideas about this please?[/quote]

Oh. I see how it is. My advice wasn’t good enough for you, hmm?

Well. I thought we had something, you and I. I thought we connected. I thought you understood me. In you, I saw everything.

But no. You hurt me, just like all the others.

Well no more tears for you, Kage.

I’ve cried my last over you.

Wow kage look what you did, fuckin asshole!

leave it eatliftsleep, he’s not worth it

Doesn’t put my ass at ease though baby and still I want to be sure I choose the right pin for a pip thats worth it…:wink: lol

How can you be so sure that this is a 400mg tho, anyone ekse had this label trouble before?

Yeah that would really pass me off as well, I would try to email the company. I really doubt it’s only 100mg a ml with all those compounds though

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]Kage wrote:
Anyone else have any ideas about this please?[/quote]

Oh. I see how it is. My advice wasn’t good enough for you, hmm?

Well. I thought we had something, you and I. I thought we connected. I thought you understood me. In you, I saw everything.

But no. You hurt me, just like all the others.

Well no more tears for you, Kage.

I’ve cried my last over you.[/quote]

… such a great love story, its so good. better than twilight :3

Fucking ballsack smiley to that

Much tears

Doesn’t put my ass at ease though baby and still I want to be sure I choose the right pin for a pip thats worth it…:wink: lol

How can you be so sure that this is a 400mg tho, anyone ekse had this label trouble before?

just get it fucking pinned and quit being such a pussy