UKBFF British FInals-4th Place in the Classic Class

yo guys - back once again after the British finals where i placed 4th in my class. let me know what you think.

also just started a new blogg which outlines my routine pretty much everyday so check it out here -

I’m also on twitter if you wanna shoot me over a message -

all comments and/or criticisms welcome

and a few side shots

atlas pose

Must be some hating assholes on here. You look great.

[quote]BlakeAJackson wrote:
Must be some hating assholes on here. You look great. [/quote]

haha thanks brother! you know what they say - haters gonna hate!

Bonus points for being someone who’s actually using RMP for what it’s supposed to be for. I dunno, maybe bring up calves and a little bit of traps? But overall pretty impressive and a damn sight better than 99% of everyone else on RMP.

[quote]Apoklyps wrote:
Bonus points for being someone who’s actually using RMP for what it’s supposed to be for. I dunno, maybe bring up calves and a little bit of traps? But overall pretty impressive and a damn sight better than 99% of everyone else on RMP.[/quote]

thanks brother - appreciate the feedback. i think i need to bring up hammies a fair bit more as well, along with overall back development. i have TERRIBLE shin splints that flare up at random times during the year which make calves incredibly hard to train. does anyone have the same problem and if so have you found any way round this?

any advice would be much appreciated!

Good stuff! A ‘classic’ physique indeed! Not sure what I should suggest, as I’m assuming the ideal build would be slightly different from the typical mens ‘open’ classes. Still, great overall proportion and symmetry. I’d personally want to see the arms a big thicker, and slightly tighter conditining, especially from the rear and sides, but definitely a great physique.


you look awesome - great x frame

I remember seeing your earlier threads and being relieved to see a big indian dude for once

[quote]browndisaster wrote:
you look awesome - great x frame

I remember seeing your earlier threads and being relieved to see a big indian dude for once[/quote]

thank you brother! i wouldn’t call myself “big” at 170lbs though haha

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Good stuff! A ‘classic’ physique indeed! Not sure what I should suggest, as I’m assuming the ideal build would be slightly different from the typical mens ‘open’ classes. Still, great overall proportion and symmetry. I’d personally want to see the arms a big thicker, and slightly tighter conditining, especially from the rear and sides, but definitely a great physique.

S [/quote]

Thankyou mate - i completely agree! conditioning could also be better and my main focus for this offseason is to bring my back, hamstrings and calves up. will keep you guys posted!

Awesome physique! I read u had or are having trouble with shin-splints, have you tried anti-inflammatory’s yet?

I had a shin-splints a year back and because I had to keep playing(rugby) they just kept getting worse until the point I could barely walk without severe burning. I tried most of the NSAID’s and they didn’t go away until I got Diclofenac took them for 2 weeks with 2 weeks rest and that pretty much cured me.

Great proportions and very aesthetic looking physique. To me you remind me A LOT of Frank Zane, with a bit less mass and conditioning. With a bit more mass I think you would have a physique quite similar to Zane.

First off, fantastic physique. I agree with others about the hams/calves. As for the shin splints, try to do 5 isometric contractions of your tibialis anterior (muscle that makes your foot go up) of as hard a contraction as possible and for as long as possible. Do this for about 4 weeks until you notice some difference in the shin splints. It works for most of my patients, won’t hurt to do. Must be done daily though. Good luck, shoot me a pm if you need more info.

The classic look is just great, ,amazing work dude!