The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout
Monday, Workout 1: Chest, Calves,Abs
Incline presses**, 3 x 9,7,4-6: 60/12,85/8,115/9,135/7,145/5
Incline presses (NA), 1 x 6-8: 115/6
Flat-bench flyes*, 1 x 7-9: 20/8,25/7
Flat-bench fiyes (NA), 1 x6-8: 20/7
Cable crossovers, 2 x 15-20: [4c]50/20,65/29
Leg press calf raises**, 3 x15, 12, 9: 120/15,180/15,200/12,240/18
Leg press calf raises (NA), 1 x 9-12: 240/11
Standing calf raises, 1 x 12-15: 135/13
Standing calf raises, 2 x 20-25: 95/16,75/21
Seated calf raises, 1 x 20-25: na
Incline kneeups, 2 x 10-20: 7,5
Incline kneeups (NA), 1 x 6-8: na
Nautilus crunches, 2 x 10-15: 80/20,8
Nautilus crunches (NA), 1 x 6-8: 80/6
End-of-bench kneeups, 1 x 15-20: 11
Medium-intensity cardio, 15 minutes: na
Asterisks mean one (*) or two (**) warmup sets. If you do one, use about 70 percent of your work weight, 8 reps; if two use
50 percent and 80 percent, 12 and 8 reps.
Rest about two minutes between and after sets of most exercises; rest up to 3 minutes between and after sets of exercises
that make you more breathless (like squats).
Decreasing reps (9, 7, 4-6) indicate adding weight to each set so you get a repetition reduction; add 10 to 20 percent
depending on the exercise.
NA means negative-accentuated reps-lift the weight in one to two seconds and lower each rep in six seconds.
30 Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout
The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout
Tuesday, Workout2: Back,Forearmms
Pulldowns**, 3 x 9,7,4-6: 50/12,80/8,100/9,110/7,120/8
Pulldowns (NA), 1 x 6-8: 100/7
Dumbbell pullovers*, 1 x 7-9: 25/8, 35/10
Dumbbell pullovers (NA), 1 x 6-8: 25/8
Stiff-arm pull downs, 2 x 15-20: 50/16,10
Bent-over rows**, 3 x 9,7,4-6: 35/12,65/8,75/9,85/7,95/9
Bent-over rows (NA), 1 x 6-8: 75/7
V-handle cable rows*, 1 x 7-9: 60/8,110/8
V-handle cable rows (NA), 1 x 6-8: 70/6
Bent-arm bent-over laterals, 1 x 15-20: 15/15
Shrugs, 1 x 15-20: 65/22
Reverse wrist curls*, 2 x 12-15: 8/8,12/12,9
Reverse wrist curls (NA), 1 x 8-10: 5/10
Wrist curls*, 2 x 12-15: 12/15,11
Wrist curls (NA), 1 x 8-10: 10/6
Forearm rockers, 1 x 20-30: 15/40
Medium-intensity cardia, 15 minutes: na
The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout
Friday, Workout 3: Quadriceps, Hamstrings
leg presses**, 3 x 9,7,4-6: 110/12,160/8,230/9,250/7,280/6
leg presses (NA), 1 x 6-8: 230/6
Sissy squats*, 1 x 7-9: not done correctly
Sissy squats (NA), 1 x 6-8: na
Leg extensions, 2 x 15-20: 35/11,25/10 <20lb>
Feet-forward Smith-machine squats**, 2 x 9,7: 55/12,95/8,105/2,85/7,85/5 <85lb>
Feet-forward Smith-machine squats (NA), 1 x 6-8: 65/6
Stiff-legged deadlifts*, 2 x 8-10: 65/8,95/6,45/10 <65lb>
Hyperextensions (NA), 1 x 6-8: 5
Leg curls, 2 x 15-20: 35/15,9
The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout
Saturday, Workout 4: Deltoids, Triceps, Biceps
Barbell presses**, 3 x 9,7,4-6: 25/12,35/8,50/9,55/7,65/8
Barbell presses (NA), 1 x 6-8: 45/8
Incline one-arm lateral raises*, 1 x 7-9: 15/8,15/9
Incline one-arm lateral raises (NA), 1 x 6-8: 10/7
dumbbell upright rows, 2 x 15-20: 20/16,11
Lying extensions**, 2 x 9,7: 25/12,40/8,50/9,60/9
Lying extensions (NA), 1 x 6-8: 45/7
Overhead dumbbell extensions*, 1 x 7-9: 15/8,20/7
Overhead dumbbell extensions (NA), 1 x 6-8: 12/6
Pushdowns, 2 x 15-20: 40/20,80/23 <80lb>
Barbell curls**, 2 x 9,7: 25/12,45/8,55/9,65/8
Barbell curls (NA), 1 x 6-8: 45/6
Incline curls*, 1 x 7-9: 15/8,20/6
Incline curls (NA), 1 x 6-8: 10/7
Nautilus curls, 2 x 15-20: 50/15,9
Medium-intensity cardio, 15 minutes: na
The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout
Monday, Workout 1: Chest, Calves,Abs
Incline presses**, 3 x 9,7,4-6: 60/12,85/8,115/9,135/7,145/7
Incline presses (NA), 1 x 6-8: 115/5
Flat-bench flyes*, 1 x 7-9: 20/8,25/9
Flat-bench fiyes (NA), 1 x6-8: 20/8
Cable crossovers, 2 x 15-20: [4c]65/20,[5b]65/17
Leg press calf raises**, 3 x15, 12, 9: 110/12,150/8,215/15,235/12,280/9
Leg press calf raises (NA), 1 x 9-12: 215/10
Standing calf raises, 1 x 12-15: 135/13
Standing calf raises, 2 x 20-25: 55/21,13
Seated calf raises, 1 x 20-25: 50/15
Incline kneeups, 2 x 10-20: 4,3
Incline kneeups (NA), 1 x 6-8: na
Nautilus crunches, 2 x 10-15: 60/15,12
Nautilus crunches (NA), 1 x 6-8: 80/7
End-of-bench kneeups, 1 x 15-20: 8
Medium-intensity cardio, 15 minutes: na