RE: Documents regarding invasion plan in Venezuela
By Yuri Pimentel
17.11.05 | Below copy of communication purportedly sent by Yuri Pimentel to Ted Koppel regarding the invasion plan that the USA has for Venezuela.
11 November 2005
Attn: Ted Koppel
c/o Melinda Arons
ABC Nightline
Washington, DC
RE: Documents regarding invasion plan in Venezuela [part I]
Dear Mr. Koppel:
Per your conversation with President Hugo Ch?vez of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela during his visit to New York in September 2005, enclosed you will find a part of the documentation regarding a proposed military operation against our country. We are sending you documents from the Plan Balboa, which was an invasion plan against Venezuela used as a military exercise in early 2001 by NATO nations, just one year before the coup d’etat was executed by factions of Venezuelan society supported by the Bush Administration.
As you will see in the documents, Venezuela is the target nation of the invasion, particularly the western part of the country where the oil industry is most developed. The satellite images involved in the plan that demonstrate the zone of operations (Puerto Rico, Panam?, Colombia and Venezuela) are real images taken from a United States institution.
The nations involved in the operation are not referred to in the documents by name, but rather by color, but the coordinates involved in the operation refer to real airports and places in Venezuela.
We are happy to discuss with you in detail the important parts of the documents and to help place them into a context that evidences their threatening nature.
Please feel free to contact us directly through our Department of International Media at the Ministry of Communication and Information. 0058-212-5053349.
Yuri Pimentel
Minister of Communication and Information Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela