“It is quite possible that the world is a slighty better place without those two but this doesn’t really change anything.”
Oh, it doesn’t? LOL So you’re saying that things wouldn’t be any better if we didn’t kill them, i.e. we killed harmless people, meaning you support them. That’s my point. I don’t really need to say anymore, but…
“You deserve no credit for murdering two murderers that you supported for a long time.”
It’s not murder in war.
“Besides, they should have been caught and trialed, like any decent democratic nation would do.”
BWAHAHAHA. It’s war, retard. It was a battle, and they lost. WTF are you talking about? You don’t have a single clue about anything, do you? It’s ok for retards to fly planes into buildings and kill thousands of innocents, but it’s not right to shoot mass-murderers in a battle. LOL WOW
“Gas could have been used easily, they were killed because those were the orders and alive and in a international court they would be dngerous due to all the dirt they have on your country.”
You’ve got to be kidding, right?
“You deserve nothing by doing something “good” for the wrong reasons.”
What, would you rather we didn’t do anything? we should have let those two torture and kill more people, right? you’re sick.
“If you had the slight interest in promoting democracy in Iraq you would be setting up things so elections would be possible in a near by future instead of repeating the past and placing a pupet regime there.”
Don’t you get anything? Those people over there are too nuts to handle an election yet. You can’t change things that quickly.
“I don’t trust you for a second, and neither does most of the civilizzed world.”
That makes you right, of course…
It’s amazing how so many people can be so clueless.