Turned into puppets


 I'd love to know the reactions of the two Saddam's sons 3 hours prior to being killed, of they knew the next day they would be turned into puppets with plastic-like faces.

 Did they deserve it? Surely. It still doesnt take away fromt he shock factor. 

 If YOU knew 3 hours from now your face would be reconstructed with plastic-like materials  and your new puppet-like look would be spread around the world...that would be a pretty damn strong shock factor.

 Then again, let them burn in hell. They surely deserved their end - at least they didnt end up in the woodchopper (for those who dont know woodchoppers can be pretty slow feeding. If they feed you feet first itll take several minutes before you're actually dead, and well, you can imagine the pain)


On a serious note… for all you doctors out there, you see the Y shape zippers on their chests from the autopsies…

When your head is half blown off and your body is riddled with bullets why the hell do you need to do an autopsy. Seems like a waste of time to me. I know that if it was in the US that everyone gets an autopsy but on the battlefield in Iraq?.. Just curious.

The Iraqis plan to sell the mummified internal organs (what’s left of them) to Iraqi citizens as souvenirs.

What could be better than Uday/Odai’s gall bladder as a paperweight?

Or maybe a liver doorstop?

Only in fucking America.

DJS-They might just have been curious. I know that they are doing toxicology reports.

The things these guys did are right up there with the worst people in the history of mankind. Just seeing the smirks on their faces on tv made me want to slap the shit out of them. They got what was coming to them.


And only people like you support monsters like them.

"And only people like you support monsters like them. "

And where did you get that ridiculous ideia from? Where did I ever say that I support them? As a matter of principles, I don’t celebrate the killing of anyone. It is quite possible that the world is a slighty better place without those two but this doesn’t really change anything. You deserve no credit for murdering two murderers that you supported for a long time. Besides, they should have been caught and trialed, like any decent democratic nation would do. Gas could have been used easily, they were killed because those were the orders and alive and in a international court they would be dngerous due to all the dirt they have on your country. You deserve nothing by doing something “good” for the wrong reasons. If you had the slight interest in promoting democracy in Iraq you would be setting up things so elections would be possible in a near by future instead of repeating the past and placing a pupet regime there. I don’t trust you for a second, and neither does most of the civilizzed world.

“It is quite possible that the world is a slighty better place without those two but this doesn’t really change anything.”

Oh, it doesn’t? LOL So you’re saying that things wouldn’t be any better if we didn’t kill them, i.e. we killed harmless people, meaning you support them. That’s my point. I don’t really need to say anymore, but…

“You deserve no credit for murdering two murderers that you supported for a long time.”

It’s not murder in war.

“Besides, they should have been caught and trialed, like any decent democratic nation would do.”

BWAHAHAHA. It’s war, retard. It was a battle, and they lost. WTF are you talking about? You don’t have a single clue about anything, do you? It’s ok for retards to fly planes into buildings and kill thousands of innocents, but it’s not right to shoot mass-murderers in a battle. LOL WOW

“Gas could have been used easily, they were killed because those were the orders and alive and in a international court they would be dngerous due to all the dirt they have on your country.”

You’ve got to be kidding, right?

“You deserve nothing by doing something “good” for the wrong reasons.”

What, would you rather we didn’t do anything? we should have let those two torture and kill more people, right? you’re sick.

“If you had the slight interest in promoting democracy in Iraq you would be setting up things so elections would be possible in a near by future instead of repeating the past and placing a pupet regime there.”

Don’t you get anything? Those people over there are too nuts to handle an election yet. You can’t change things that quickly.

“I don’t trust you for a second, and neither does most of the civilizzed world.”

That makes you right, of course…

It’s amazing how so many people can be so clueless.

‘It is quite possible the world is a better place without those two’ - Restless.

Actually the world is DEFINITELY a better place without those two. We understand you’ve been living in your free sphere all your life, but Iraqis havent. They know firsthand how much better the world is withotu them.

Lets not forget the HUSSEINS are RESPONSIBLE for more Muslim deaths, than ANYONE else on the planet. They got what was coming to them. Soon itll be the daddy’s turn.

Restless, for someone who doesnt support the Husseins you sure displayed an enthusiastic opposition against everything anyone did to get rid of them. It’s almost like you…loved the husseins cough cough.

“Only in fucking America”

Good old restless. I love when you post things like, “I just am against the policies of the United States. It’s not all black and white kids.” What a joke. None of us are fooled. What’s the matter, did you get turned down for a green card? Your company get bought out by an American company? Or are you just plain jealous of our cultural, economic, and military dominance?

Aside from the ethical concerns involved here, broadcasting photos of these two sure have quelled the violence hasn’t it?

may change in the long run, but any change due to running these photos is dubious.

Many Iraqis opposed to the US occupation are AGAINST the Ba’ath party so while I’m sure that they’re glad these 2 are on slabs it doesnt really change the fact that many if not most are worse off.

Shudder Those pics creep me out. :frowning:

restless u r a whiny bitch.

Alright thats IT!!!

NOONE respond to this thread anymore. I declare it CLOSED - these pics are creeping me out too. There’s only so much carnage I like to see in a day. Let’s do our best to move this thread out of the front page, otherwise Im gonna be sick.

“Oh, it doesn’t? LOL So you’re saying that things wouldn’t be any better if we didn’t kill them, i.e. we killed harmless people, meaning you support them. That’s my point. I don’t really need to say anymore, but…”

Can’t read can you? I said it was, not it wasn’t. Don’t put words into mouth. You are certainly not qualified to even attempt that.

"It’s not murder in war. "

ALRIGHT!! It’s not murder in war!! It’s only numbers on a TV screen!! Yeah baby, it’s the good old american way!! If it happens in a distant foreign country you can kill at will without a single shred of concern about the law and it’s not murder!!

"It’s ok for retards to fly planes into buildings and kill thousands of innocents, but it’s not right to shoot mass-murderers in a battle. LOL WOW "

I didn’t say it was right for your troops to fly plains and killl a few hundreds of children and women in theat shelter like you did in that shelter during desert storm.

“You’ve got to be kidding, right?”

I must, to think you would actually be concerned about doing it right.

"What, would you rather we didn’t do anything? we should have let those two torture and kill more people, right? you’re sick. "

Child, keep the insults to yourself. I don’t respect your opinion and you’re not earning respcet by showing your hability to cast out insults. Even US=NF or diesel can do that.

"Don’t you get anything? Those people over there are too nuts to handle an election yet. You can’t change things that quickly. "

Nice, I like it when you show your true colors. Those “poor degenerates” isn’t it? And in fact, these people want an islamic regime and who the fuck are you to say they can’t have it?

"It’s amazing how so many people can be so clueless. "


"Let’s do our best to move this thread out of the front page, otherwise Im gonna be sick. "

I guarantee you I shall bump this up till eternity.

I hate to play the Devil’s Advocate but aren’t those pics a violation of the Geneva Convention?

No exploitation of POWs or Casualties.

"I hate to play the Devil’s Advocate but aren’t those pics a violation of the Geneva Convention?

No exploitation of POWs or Casualties. "

International laws don’t aplly to the great USA. Anyone knows that these days.

“And in fact, these people want an islamic regime and who the fuck are you to say they can’t have it?”

So nobody can be told to do anything? So if someone wants to kill a bunch of people, no one has the right to say what he can and can’t do.

People like you are why we have to take care of things right now.

Back in Conutry for a couple of days and had to check out the T-mag.

Update for these boys were offered the chance to give-it up. They turned it down. The soldiers (Soldiers not police, there is a world of difference in their training) completed their mission. (Note to all: The infantry mission is to close with and destroy the enemy.)

The average Iraqi did not believe they were dead. They wanted proof. There was a lot of talk about not showing the pictures and it was finally okayed at the highest levels in hopes that the photos would help stablize the situation in Iraq.

If you follow today’s news you will see that some of the bodyguard gave it up. This would not have happened if the brothers had not been delt (he…) with so finally.

It is not an easy situation over there. The European culture and middle eastern culture are very different. Sorry Restless, but some of your voicing would be considered very weak by the women! Same with that of many americans. Rememeber this is the land of an Eye for an Eye.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Best of Luck.