[quote]Danny John wrote:
Three weeks on/one week off is actually stolen from Russian hammer throwers. They experimented with two weeks on/one week off and that actually works well, too, but I found that ‘somewhere’ between the two was the best…
I had an interview with Dick Smith and he described this idea of going 80% one week; 90% the next, then a really light week. That worked, then they experimented with up to five days off and then maxing (gym max/day max…not necessarily max max…) on the day back.
Hey, it all works. I think that most of us ramble and stumble along at a ‘crap’ level, week in and week out for months and years and then finally try this idea of “off weeks” and truly pushing a max and discover that they can push a lot more than they thought…[/quote]
Thanks for answering. I only ask because I, like so many others, have been conditioned to avoid off weeks like the plague. To be honest, I still haven’t been able to convince myself to try it, mostly because I feel I keep my instensity high week in and week out. But hey, I’m sure that’s what everyone tells themself.
On your post detailing supplementals, you mention that Bednarski did isometrics on Tuesday. However, you failed to say what time of the day. The rest of his routine is for noon or afternoon. My sources have always indicated that he did iso’s at 11:45 a.m. Please clarify.
Bednarski was known to do squats as early as 11:45 in the morning, so, you make a good point, my “Noon” is a bit vague, too.
I tell you what, though, that “1966” program of his was genius…way ahead of its time. “Supposedly,” the Bulgarians developed their national program based on Bednarski’s training ideas. That’s pretty damn impressive…
In the recent “old farts” Think Tank, it was recommended that older lifters use lighter loads to spare the joints. I have tendonosis in my knee and elbow, and realize that it would be wise to lighten up (i.e. <80% 1RM). However, I’m concerned that the lighter loads will not affect the fast twitch fibers thus impeding any gains in strength and hypertrophy.
Now, there is a question…does the body respond to age better with light loads or by heavy loads. Once we hurt something…now that’s different, so keep that apart.
I would argue that you need a chaotic approach to your training. 80% for singles has been one of my secrets since 1979 (I may have invented it). You might want to make that your “every fifth” workout or something…
Mix in this with some volume workouts of 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 10 with 50-60%, and a workout of maybe even negatives or Old School rack work. Another workout could simply be a broomstick or pipe and go through everything…everything…you do.
After a few weeks of some variety, take a personal inventory and see how this is going. If it is junk, junk it. But, I think you will find that this will be as refreshing to your joints as a lot fo new supplements.
[quote]Danny John wrote:
“Slap me into place if I am bullshitting the purpose of the program.”
Throat Clearing noises…
Let me see…
The true gift of sarcasm can only be enjoyed when you are married, with children. Keep it up, DJ!!! Oh, and the longer you’ve been around, the better you are at it!!
[quote]TriGWU wrote:
Joe Weider wrote:
Danny John wrote:
You know, to answer Joe Weider…
the best throws lifts I know are:
Clean and Jerk
Clean and Press
Front Squats…in roughly this order.
Thank you.
Nice work Joe. You got one.[/quote]
now if I could just get him to give me some advice about working it in.
I’ve got a nice rock, all polished from the glacier.
Weighs 16 pounds, and I can toss it 20 feet or so with no proper technique involved.
Call 1-800-456-SHOT and ask John for the “Shot Putting with the Big O” video or DVD. That should help. You can’t splain things on the keyboard like you can splain things in real life.