Trying to go off the format requested in the ‘Advice for New Guys’ post
- Age: 35
- Height: 5’11
- Waist: 34.5
- Weight: 205
- Body hair: Maybe an average male. Patch of hair on chest, regular hair on arms/legs. No back hair. Can grow a fairly full beard. Hair on head is full, no recession to the hairline.
- Fat is carried in lower abs, love handles, upper thighs, glutes
I’ve been self-dosing since 11/2017, with labs before I started and two labs since then.
I usually run fairly lean, around 10% bodyfat, but I’ve been eating a slight caloric excess since last summer in an effort to put on some weight. So my bodyfat is a little higher right now, estimated 12-14% which I’m comfortable with since I can get lean pretty quickly and easily.
Current diet is usually 5 meals per day, high protein, pretty high carb, low to moderate fat. I try to get some staples every day or most days, e.g. wild blueberries, a few servings of broccoli or cauliflower, some spinach.
Supplement wise I take a multi, probiotic, fish oil, vitamin D3, and turmeric extract. About 6 weeks ago I cut out all caffeine as I used to have a real problem with it.
Training wise I go to the gym 5x per week about 75-90 minutes, training most bodyparts 2x per week. I’ve been doing sports and weights most of my life. I used to compete in Olympic weightlifting and did some crossfit back in the day. But I’ve managed to accumulate a fair number of injuries over the years, so I do more bodybuilding type training now. Usually some heavy compound movement and then some more isolation / pump work. I don’t do cardio usually unless I’m trying to lean out, but I tend to walk at least a couple miles per day between taking walking breaks at work and walking with the wife and dogs at home.
Morning wood and nocturnal erections have definitely increased in frequency. I don’t like to wake up early, but my work hours have me waking at 5:15 am. I usually try to get to sleep around 9-9:30 pm, so I get adequate sleep but am still fairly tired as the week goes on. The nocturnal erections seem to roughly track the tiredness levels I am experiencing.
Will post labs and injection protocols in follow up posts.