TRT Using Sustanon

Hi all, first post. I started on TRT several years ago using Androgel then a compound pharmacy cream which worked much better than Androgel. I moved to the Middle East and the cream stopped producing the levels of T that is had before so the doctor changed me to Test Cyp 100 per week. The results were outstanding.

Unfortunately I can’t get Cyp here which means I either need to try to ship it from the US or only get it when I come back. This brings me to my question, I can get Sustanon 250 here easily but I see very little on this for TRT, it’s all body building info.

Anyone used this or have thoughts on using it as a substitute or as an extender for my Test Cyp?

Here are my thoughts. Sus 250 would be great alternative for TRT if you were exercising or a bodybuilder. However, for TRT only, Cyp is a better choice. In your case, I would use the SUS and adjust the dose accordingly (you might actually like it better) . Shipping it in doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.

T ethanate is very good, ask if available

[quote]KSman wrote:
T ethanate is very good, ask if available[/quote]

No, only Sustanon that I have found so far. I have also found HCG in a 0.5ml single injection that I could divide into smaller doses easily, it is brand named Ovitrelle and comes pre-mixed or Pregnyl that comes in amps you need to mix totaling 1500ui.

Heading to the doctor in the US soon as I have never been on HCG and the boys are starting to be a bit shrunk and sore.

[quote]Bigguns129 wrote:
Here are my thoughts. Sus 250 would be great alternative for TRT if you were exercising or a bodybuilder. However, for TRT only, Cyp is a better choice. In your case, I would use the SUS and adjust the dose accordingly (you might actually like it better) . Shipping it in doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.


Well, I used to lift a lot but don’t really wish to get much bigger, now I ride a mountain bike 10 miles 4 days a week and then either do a couple of hours in the mountains on it or a 30-50km ride on the weekends.

Sustanon will work fine. The down side is often a higher price. You may need to take more mg’s than cyp as a result of the heavier ester groups.

While is does have a longer half life, with more frequent self-injections is has no advantage VS cyp or eth.

Can you get hCG by mail in your location? Low dose nolvadex can be better than nothing.

[quote]KSman wrote:
Sustanon will work fine. The down side is often a higher price. You may need to take more mg’s than cyp as a result of the heavier ester groups.

While is does have a longer half life, with more frequent self-injections is has no advantage VS cyp or eth.

Can you get hCG by mail in your location? Low dose nolvadex can be better than nothing.[/quote]

You can’t really get any drugs by mail here legally, do you think I can make the Pregnyl work?

Sustanon 250 is about $11 a dose so even at once a week it’s within my budget.