I’m pretty new to TRT and have been studying up on it for a while. I’ve reached the point to be allowed to get on TRT. However, there are only two (insurance paid) options in Japan.
I can do a 125mg test-e every 7 days, or 250mg test-e every 10-14 days.
I selected 125mg/wk as I’ve read that there are “lows” that can be felt between injections and this is not something that I wanted to experiment with 250mg; though, I’ve been contemplating the later as I would effectively get more total testosterone in me. Which one is more appropriate for TRT?
In addition to this, I may be able to start on LHRH or HCG. Since it would be one injection (combined), it would have to be 3000iu, 5000iu or 10,000iu. Which would be more effective as I can’t split it up? Should I wait to see how I feel on 125mg before adding LHRH/HCG or is this still recommended to keep the testes well?
I’ve also been provided methyltestosterone 25mg for “lows” which I may be able to swap for fluoxymesterone. Which oral would be best in the event of a shot falling on a holiday or missing it? Is it even recommended to take an oral?
Anybody? It’s not like I have a choice on what to get here. I’ve found that medicine works where you can get a maximum of X and that’s it; it’s written in a manual that doctors follow.
I don’t even know if I can get a SERM/AI as of yet due to it being “off label”.
Thanks. I will discuss an AI with the doc to see what he thinks, and what is legal to prescribe, on the next visit. I will have my blood then as well.
I have naturally puffy nipples, but today, I woke up with one of them hurting. It has since subsided, and it could all be in my head, but is this the beginnings of gyno? I have never felt that before. I’ve only taken 125mg x 2 so far if that matters.
You’ll get more replies once you put up your labs and tell us about yourself. Age, height, weight, etc.
If you can’t get an AI prescribed, you can order research chemicals from a reputable lab and use those. Obviously not ideal, but if you don’t control E2 you might as well not start TRT.
Retested 2 months later at the same lab and had t-levels of 65. I was then given 125mg test e, and another dose of 125mg test e a week later. I will re-test on July 19th.