TRT Stopped Teste Pains?

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Stupid Things That Docs Do and Say - #106 by pessos

Women have huge hCG levels during pregnancy. That is why their urine is collected to obtain hCG. Sorry, you did not need to know that. So hCG diet is harmful? Give me a break. Fibroids are a result of estrogen dominance, as progesterone levels fall in later adulthood, a progesterone deficiency. The uterus is affected, not the ovaries. hCG will increase a woman’s hormone levels and all of that is complicated by changes during a woman’s cycle. Women get fibroids and ovarian cysts all of the time. So how can one sort out the effects of hCG. For any given women who has hormone problems, hCG could be expected to make that worse in some cases. Life is tough for women!