Hello. Hope this finds everyone well. Much thanks to this great communitty.
I have been suffering from Pssd for 13 years, since age 14, thats Post SSRI sexual dysfunction, its a horrible condition, im 27 now, have contemplated suicide many times. Since having Pssd for this long, have done my best trying to heal. until i decided to reach out to communitty that knows about hormones and sexual health here so giving it a try. Have dropped out of college, scholarshio dream. I havent felt my genitals in 13 years.
My question, and i am a practioner of natural medicine, after spending alot, attempting a last healing/regenerative treatments, including detoxing through sauna, intense exercise, nutrient dense diet, supplements, coffee enemas, deep sleep…etc.
And performance herbs: Tongat ali, maca, goji berries for Testosterone… I have also attempted NAD+ IV in past.
Should that work?
I mention i like natural stuff. I prefer natural T-boosting herbs over TRT woth hcg, but my naturopath i believe in does bioidentical hormone therapy.When i researched TRT, whats the difference between bioidenical hormone therapy, TRT?
Would TRT+hcg lower or shut my body’s production? Can I return to normal/ baseline after stopping?
Is TRT a lifelong thing?
Would you prefer TRT + hcg or T-boosting herbs(from nootropic depot) for erectile dysfunction, lack of libido and orgasms, premature ejaculation, anhedonia…etc all the symptoms of pssd?
I used to play basketball professionally, so my test numbers should be ok/high, but i have been having pssd/erectile dysfunction for 13 years.
Below my Test numbers recently:
Total test: 4.01 ng/ml range: 2.2-10.5
Free Test: 28.0 pg/ml range: 15-50
Id rather stick to natural methods rather than needle, but open for siggestions and possibly open for TRT if its the only solution to Pssd… I cant stay like this, pssd is a horrible state, and my parents who sacrificed for me cant see me like this. Pssd started from a combo of ssri and antipsychotic from a stupid doctor.
Would love to hear your replies.