TRT or treatment for Post SSRI sexual dysfunction

Hello. Hope this finds everyone well. Much thanks to this great communitty.

I have been suffering from Pssd for 13 years, since age 14, thats Post SSRI sexual dysfunction, its a horrible condition, im 27 now, have contemplated suicide many times. Since having Pssd for this long, have done my best trying to heal. until i decided to reach out to communitty that knows about hormones and sexual health here so giving it a try. Have dropped out of college, scholarshio dream. I havent felt my genitals in 13 years.

My question, and i am a practioner of natural medicine, after spending alot, attempting a last healing/regenerative treatments, including detoxing through sauna, intense exercise, nutrient dense diet, supplements, coffee enemas, deep sleep…etc.
And performance herbs: Tongat ali, maca, goji berries for Testosterone… I have also attempted NAD+ IV in past.
Should that work?

I mention i like natural stuff. I prefer natural T-boosting herbs over TRT woth hcg, but my naturopath i believe in does bioidentical hormone therapy.When i researched TRT, whats the difference between bioidenical hormone therapy, TRT?

  1. Would TRT+hcg lower or shut my body’s production? Can I return to normal/ baseline after stopping?

  2. Is TRT a lifelong thing?

Would you prefer TRT + hcg or T-boosting herbs(from nootropic depot) for erectile dysfunction, lack of libido and orgasms, premature ejaculation, anhedonia…etc all the symptoms of pssd?

I used to play basketball professionally, so my test numbers should be ok/high, but i have been having pssd/erectile dysfunction for 13 years.
Below my Test numbers recently:

Total test: 4.01 ng/ml range: 2.2-10.5
Free Test: 28.0 pg/ml range: 15-50
Id rather stick to natural methods rather than needle, but open for siggestions and possibly open for TRT if its the only solution to Pssd… I cant stay like this, pssd is a horrible state, and my parents who sacrificed for me cant see me like this. Pssd started from a combo of ssri and antipsychotic from a stupid doctor.
Would love to hear your replies.

You will need to put a reference range for your labs, just for the future, and also, a more comprehensive hormone panel is probably warranted. Things like estrogen, progesterone, DHT (these can all affect libido).

I wouldn’t put too much time or effort in fixing your issues with natural remedies, but obviously if you are inclined to, that is your choice. I will say this though. This fear of TRT being “for life” or whether or not your hormones will come back to baseline if you use, is pointless. If TRT fixes you, why would you go back? If your problems are related to low hormones, fix them, or suffer for years going forward. Seems like an easy choice in my opinion. Good luck.


Thank you for your reply. Its just that:

  1. I have seen people who raised their T numbers to 1000+ using natural methods (natural herbs that increase T and lower estrogen).

  2. I dont know much about Bioidentical hormone therapy for Testosterone. Do your numbers go to baseline once you stop? Are you saying its permenant that is to take for rest of your life to just feel normal hormonally after you start?

  3. Would it cure erectile dysfunction issues?

  4. I have seen TRT not helping some people on pssd, so holistically, even with possibility if TRT, i want to cover things holistically.
    Thank you

You mentioned contemplating suicide more than once but yet you are concerned about whether your testosterone will be synthesized from soy or from an animal source?

I can’t take you seriously because I don’t think you take yourself seriously.

No you didn’t. At least not with herbs alone.


What would be a general recomendation? Should i start TRT? Would it shut down natural production long term?
Is there a way to take as a boost to natural production as opposed to shutting it down?

These are all very good questions to ask a competent doctor. A real doctor that will do different tests to see what’s wrong with you and then fix it.

Depending on where you are in the world, finding a good endocrinologist and/or urologist would be a good first step.

Yes sounds good. Thank you again. Im travelling to the US.
This is the only doctor i found familiar with pssd:

Would love to hear your input as its a debilitating dark condition and im really lost, have tried almost everything.
Thank you

This is way above my pay grade and anything I write would just be guess work. It’s good that you are going to see a medical professional that hopefully will know what he’s doing.
The cause of your issue can be an abundance of things, not just suboptimal testosterone/estrogen. When you go see this doctor remember the phrase , “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

Sad to hear about your condition @Mohammad_Bigd.

Well said by @rusty_hammer. As an MD myself, I couldn’t agree more. In my experience there is seldom one solution for one problem. Most often a problem is multifactorial, and with a highly individual foundation. That said, the advice of seeking out a medical specialist in the field, is a good start.

From my perspective, you should also work with your current strengths, for amplification to easier overcome obstacles. Otherwise you might end up in the negative aspects only. Broaden the perspective. What is still working? What are you good at? What do you like/love to do? Where do you (would you) want to go ahead from now? This approach will help you become more resilient. I would also recommend psychological assistance in this!

Thank you Pettersson for the comment.

Basically Im a naturopath myself and played Basketball professionally, to be honest after so many years my focus now is to cure this nightmarish condition.

I own a juice bar, as part of my naturopath clinic after healing my mom from cancer with Gerson therapt. So basically I am committed to detoxing, cold pressed juicing. While eating very nutrient dense healthy meals, also have done all the tests and have cleansed and reset my gut from candida, parasites, Sibo…etc. I take nootrooics for focus, my sleep is great with the herbs im taking, and I rotate T-boosting herbs: Tongat, maca, horny goat weed…etc

The only thing that removed anhedonia…was actually an extreme measure of Ibogaine flood. It restored all my emotions. Its the number 1 medicine on planet for repairing the brain.

As far as libido, sexuality…I was healing under a holistic clinic, and they gave me somethings to take rectally when i mentioned my problem…I dont know if it was that or the T-boosting herbs…but i felt great, strong, if I remember…sexual.
So I know Ibogaine can/will remove the anhedonia…not that i recommend it to people can be dangerous.
I take my multivitamin, green superfood, fish oil, vitamin d+k2 on a regular basis.
But as far as the sexual misery, its not only dysfunction, but alot of sexual problems (no libido, muted orgasm…along with dysfunction) that i am beyond desperatly have to heal, have stopped my life, college…etc because its an unhunane condition to live with.
So looking for advice on the sexual part. Few hoistic doctors recimended doing bioidentical hormone therapy, which they said is completly safe…but isnt it the same, once you start it, youre on it on life?
Would like to hear your input, input of communitty, as now with the mention of bioidentical hormones, im more lost than ever. The idea of being on something for rest of my life doesnt sound natural…im 26, but at same time desperate to heal from this miserable condition.

Thanks for your more in depth explanation to clarify your situation.

The most important thing here is to never ever give up! I do promote the though of trying to live your life at highest possible quality - in every other aspect than the PSSD symtoms you suffer from. You do mention life altering events here also, which most definitely would affect anyone negatively. It’s good you have an interest in naturopathy, thus having tried various alternative treatments. That said, have you tried Fadogia Agrestis, Arginine/Citrulline or Yohimbine?

I believe you are in a position where almost anything could, and should be tried - with respect taken of risk-benefit. Is there anything to lose in trying hormonal treatments under supervision? Most of these attempts are usually low dose, and any side effects would return to normal shortly after having stopped taking it.

Adding psychological strategies on top, will better prepare you for whatever lies up ahead.

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Hey Pettersson,
Thank you alot for your reply.
Im in a situation where not only im alone in this, but being against. Long story short these drugs (ssri, antipsychotics) were forced by my parents to numb a sport spine injury when i was a teen, even killed my petformance playing basketball internationally, and my family and local doctors are in denial PSSD exists, so I am kind of battling this alone. I am seeing top naturopaths from the US, where i study, online a
I have tried everything you could think of, from A-Z: Serotogenic agents(st john wort, 5-htp, inosotol…etc) remove premature ejaculation. Yohimbee, blood flow supps in general i feel the dead pelvic area coming a bit alive. T-BOOSTERS, fadioga…etc i feel a bit more agressive.
Mdma restored my libido while i was on it. But its been a long time.
Im wondering about doing a super human protocol combining everything: Deyoxing, biohacking, exercising, T-boosting herbs…etc. I was once with a naturopath clinic and the doctor gave me pills taken rectally…and I remember feeling some sexual vigour. But that was long time ago.
I am open to go full on Super natural comprehensive protocol, since some cures online were serotonin agents, some were gut, some were TRT, some were T-boosters…etc, though the general consensus its a long term condition with no known cure. But i really need some sort of a methodology and right steps to take, willing to do anything not harmful, to go hard mode beyond you can imagine to get cured from this unhumane condition.

And thank you for your responses Pettersson, these drugs really tame and numb the shit out of you. To answer your question, I am concerned about bioidentical hormone therapy, or TRT, not sure i know the difference…because i read a good amount about the topic…once you start youre on for life? Is that right? Because taking any amount exogenous testosterone would be shutting your own body’s natural production. Which leads to testicles stop producing testosterone, and constantly needing exogenous testosterone or else, if you stop exogenous testerone you would be in crappy situation (worse than before because when you stop TRT youre in a state youre not having any of exogenous or endogenous testosterone). I am kind of confused, as your comments say no harm…but have some concerns on exogenous Testerone that would only shut your natural production down which means you have to stay on it forever to stay good…thats my concern. Would love to hear your reply.
Take care and looking forward to hear back.

Hello, i am seeing a holistic doctor and one of his experties is hormones. And advice/recomendation before going to his appointment?
Would be thankful for your responses 13 years is hell to live with pssd.