Just got my lab results. I took my Doc’s requisition and got the blood work done by LEF. That saved me a bundle as I do not have insurance coverage for this.
98mg/wk test cyp as 28mg EOD -1 year
250iu HCD EOD -9 months
1mg anastrozole per week as EOD -6 months
Iron is high 239 40-155
Total cholesterol is 202, was once in the 270’s before TRT.
FT is high, 36.1 7.2-24, I don’t know if the range is age adjusted. labcorp
TT is high 1025 241-827 labcorp
DHEA-S is high 668 70-310 labcorp
Estradiol is 22 0-53 labcorp -was 37 before AI
CRP is .19 0-3.00 -is an inflammatory marker that can indicate arterial problems
Homocysteine 7.5 5.0-12.0 -also a marker for arterial problems
PSA 1.0 0.0-4.0
TSH is 1.303 0.35-5.5
T4 5.4 4.5-12.0
Free T3 3.2 2.3-4.2
Free T4 1.32 .61-1.76
DHT 69 ng/dl 30-85 labcorp
Hematocrit 45.9 36.0-50.0
The steroid hormone levels all seem great. The DHEA is high as I was taking 300mg/day. I did that as I thought that I was a non absorber after DHEA was low when taking 100mg/day of another brand. I now assume that that other product was crap.
I have a 75 gram jar of DHEA powder from bulknutrition.com that is a steal price wise. Now that I know that that works for me, I will reduce the dose.
I don’t have much experience with the thyroid levels. I would like to hear what others have to say about that. I do feel like my energy is low. The TSH does not indicate that the thyroid is not able.
I am coming off of chest cold that had a fever of 103.6. That really set me back and I lost 5 pounds. I put the blood work off for a month to try to get good numbers.
I wonder if my Doc will want me to reduce the T?
My TT was in the 886 before I started the HCG. So the testes must have made this change.