-age - 41
-height - 6’ 1"
-waist - 34
-weight - 229
-describe body and facial hair - normal I guess. Nothing really to report.
-describe where you carry fat and how changed - midsection and love handles
-health conditions, symptoms [history] - below
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? - no
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed - for the better since TRT
I have been on TRT for about 1 year now. I went to an endo in Nov '14 and he suggested TRT after doing blood work and seeing that my Total Test was 234. I wanted to try and fix things without going on Test so he suggested trying Clomid to see if it would raise it. It did. Peaked at about 550. I was still feeling run down and tired, (I have sleep apnea and have used a BiPap for several years) AND EMOTIONAL so he talked me into the Test at 200mg weekly and 1mg anastrozole once a week. Estradiol got has high as 64 with T. Test around 1100. He wanted the Estradiol to be lower so we eventually went to 1mg every other day. That kept my E around 23. If I remember correctly, I think I felt my best when my Test was kept around 800-1100 and my E was 50-60.
In an effort to get my hereditary cholesterol under control, we started Crestor last October. I have since read that Statin drugs can have an affect on muscle tissue in some people. I stopped the Crestor 3 months ago to see if there was any improvement. None. Actually got worse.
HGB and HCT are both elevated. I have an order to take blood off (donate) every 30 days for the next 5 months, and then on the 53 day schedule that is the norm.
Vitamin D was low so I have been on 6000 every day for a few weeks now.
I have attached some blood work. It is not all of them but enough to paint the pic I think. TRT was started in the middle of May '06. This last test in March was done on the last day right before the injection and on 1mg anastrozole twice a week.
I can’t tell if my issue is joint pain or severe tendinitis, or both. I have lost a great deal of strength. I can not really do a chest or shoulder workout anymore. It hurts for days. Actually keeps me from sleeping well for the first 48 hours after that workout. The ache and pain is in my (what feels like) infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor and major, and bicep tendon. Pretty much the whole area. On both sides. However, the right is far worse than the left. It is at a point now where a back workout (especially deads) leaves the teres minor, major and lat feeling on fire. Just decimated.
Diet is good. Sleep is good (7-9 hours). I also take daily: Animal Flex joint compound, Low dose aspirin, multivitamin, coQ-10, 2600mg Primrose Oil, 6g fish oil, and Avmacol (Broccoli Seed & Sprout extract).
Not sure where to go from here. Suggestions? If I forgot to include something just let me know and I will edit the OP.