Can anyone point me toward a good TRT doc in North Carolina who is open to the full protocol (T +HCG + AI)? I’m striking out with my Endo and the compounding pharmacies don’t seem to know anyone that is taking new patients or is willing to do what’s needed.

I have excellent insurance that I’d like to use, if possible. I’m in the Greensboro / Winston-Salem area, but I’m willing to drive within reason.

Please help. Hardasnails? Somebody?

Come on guys. Please help. I’m getting desperate here.

Try Dr. Brown in Charlotte at Carolina Healthspan Institute. There are others. You need to do like I did and look up the compounding pharmacies as suggested. They will have some recommendations.

Thanks, Redcliffe. I’ve already spoken with 3 compounders and none had suggestions that have panned out. I’m still trying, but getting frustrated.