TRT Dose Plan Prescribed

This is my recent set up for TRT from my doctor.

Test: 100mg/1xweek
Anastrozole: (.2mg) every day
HCG: (.4ml) on days 5 and 7

How does this look as far as normal to you guys.

I felt ok until day 6 (today) where I now have insomnia and when I did start to fall asleep, I had the craziest nightmares I’ve ever had. I’m talking Steven King type nightmares. Any thoughts on the plan set up, dosing, symptoms, etc.?? Thanks

[quote]ballsdeep130 wrote:
This is my recent set up for TRT from my doctor.

Test: 100mg/1xweek
Anastrozole: (.2mg) every day
HCG: (.4ml) on days 5 and 7

How does this look as far as normal to you guys.

I felt ok until day 6 (today) where I now have insomnia and when I did start to fall asleep, I had the craziest nightmares I’ve ever had. I’m talking Steven King type nightmares. Any thoughts on the plan set up, dosing, symptoms, etc.?? Thanks [/quote]

Sounds like you have an interesting doctor, who has a system that he likes to use. He must be prescribing the HCG on days 5 and 7 to boost your natural production at the end of your TRT cycle for some reason. Let us know how you feel doing this.

My doc won’t prescribe HCG, because he says there isn’t enough known about it yet, and the long term effects. He will prescribe A-Dex, but it hasn’t been needed for me yet – and he says he usually only has to give it to big fat guys who convert a lot of T to E2.

Best of luck…

hCG is in iu’s, not ml’s. Describe that way, otherwise we need to know the iu’s per ml.

Too much anastrozole. But when you get labs, you can correct the dose. See the advice for new guys sticky and the one re estradiol.

Just my humble opinion split the t dose into two SC injections, drop the HCG dose to 100iu twice a week and the Adex dose looks ok. Personally I hate Adex and I’ve had much better luck with Aromasin but that’s your call. The protocol you’re on is Crisler’s old protocol and it’s dated… Old news but I give your doc credit for not being a total moron.

Thanks guys for the help. I asked about the HCG dosing and he said it is 400iu’s on days 5 and 7. And yes, it is to boost natural production and prevent testicular atrophy. I started taking the adex every other day as it seems to be too much by everyones standards. I was also put on 40mg of progesterone every night. this is supposed to be for better sleep and was told it would not have feminizing effects, but I am completely unfamiliar with the progesterone, so I would love some input on this as well. I have read the stickies and found great information, but still have these questions…Also, I decided to split the injections of test to 50mg/twice a week. Thanks again.