Hi, first post, and new to TRT.
52 yo Male.
Ive been on TRT for 8 months. Started with 35mg Cyp 2x/week. (subc)
Results: Total: 1123 ng/dl, Free: 284, Estradiol: 83 pg/ml
Estrogen was high, so we reduced the dosage to 30mg 2x/week since Test was high as well.
New results: Total 1211, Free 284.
When I look around the internet I see typical TRT dose 100-200mg/week.
I am taking 60mg/week, and the results are still “too” high.
What is your experience with dosage and results?
Tell us the strength you are injecting.
What does the vial say?
Then tell us how much you are injecting in units or ml?
What type of syringe is it?
And when was your blood draw in relation to when you injected?
Congrats you respond well. When were the labs taken in relation to your injection? Was it consistent both times?
I inject every 3.5 days. I believe the first time I also did labs on day 3.
I answered the previous post questions, but my answers has not been approved yet.
And I realized I’ve been calculating wrong. I am currently injecting 60mg twice per week subc.
That yields 1200 Total test, 284 Free, and 766 Bioavailable. All out of the range, and so is ofcourse also my Estradiol.
So I will ask my doc to reduce the dosage. I’d like to try 80mg per week (2x 40mg subc), to see what happens.
I’m brand new to this. What is you guys general idea of where the “sweet spot” lies in regards to Test levels for optimal health, longevity, libido, and well being?
I’ll say there is no sweet spot and it is a mistake to base dosing solely on the number. Most of the guys I see have total testosterone levels between 600 and 1300, with free testosterone levels from 130 to 300. If you are happy with your results at those levels, I’d stick with your current dose.
It’s common for guys to start out on TRT on high normal levels, then several months later libdio takes a big hit, this would be a sign that the levels are too high.
I always say minimum effective dose to relieve all the symptoms of low T, nothing more.
Yes, I understand.
Since this a new experience for me, I think it’s a good idea to have a number to shoot for, then I adjust from there in regards to how I feel.
Not happy right now. But that most likely have more to do with my elevated Estrogen levels than the high Testosterone.
So I’d like to lower my dosage to 80mg / week if that’s ok with my doc. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I assume the idea is to inject as low dose as possible for the greatest benefit? Ie, more not necessarily better. Lower dosage could also eliminate the need for an Anti-estrogen. I assume, less drugs the better.
I’m in no hurry. Been suffering from low T for 20 years. If I spend a couple more dialing in the correct dosage, that’s fine.
That is a reasonable goal.
What’s SHBG?
That will explain a lot.
31 (11-80)