Hi everyone thanks for looking in.
Im 40 and 7 weeks into TRT. Took a blood test just after my 40th and results were sky high SHBG and lowish Free T.
Total T 31.5 nmol/L
Free T 0.347
SHBG 89.3
Oestradiol 113
FT4 13.200 pmol/L
FT3 5.51
TSH 2.24 mIU/L
(I have a more full profile but will post in a separate comment.)
Although prior to recently starting TRT I have never touched any sort of PED, I have always had an interest of “optimizing” my T levels going through my 40’s or 50’s. In the last few years energy levels have been dropping and despite a good few years of gym and decent food/sleep I’v always stayed extremely lean and never gained much muscle.
For most of my life I have had a terrible diet and also a few years of depression along with eating very little so I’m aware that there are other areas that I need to be looking into alongside TRT.
My protocol is 150mg of Test Enanthate split equally e3.5D. I’v chosen to start high-ish in an effort to raise my Free T in particular and maybe bring down my SHBG a bit too. I’v also chosen twice a week mainly to limit the amount of oil I am pinning at once. I pin sub q using 1ml, 26g, 1/2inch insulin needles into my “love handles”. So far I’v found I’v had small lumps for a few days after pinning but nothing too noticeable or uncomfortable.
So far I have no intention of using any sort of AI especially this early unless I see some drastic symptoms or numbers.
I can’t say I felt much in the first week or two but mood definitely improved noticeably overall in the third and fourth weeks, although had a few real low days that I would put down to my body adjusting. General mood has continued to improve into weeks six and seven and energy levels in the gym have been very good this week.
Full pre TRT Bloods and six week Bloods to follow.