I don’t know if this is everyone’s experience or just mine. Before TRT I used to masturbate daily, now it’s every three days or more. It feels like my testes produce such a low volume of ejaculate that they’re in conservation mode constantly. During sex it takes forever to cum, and when I do cum both balls retreat into my body so it’s like it requires the use of the secondary tank. And my orgasms are a hell of a lot less satisfying which I believe is due to having a low volume of ejaculate.
Sorry for being graphic, it just seems like a curse to feel more attractive and have a high sex drive, firmer erections, and interested sex partners, but not be able to enjoy it that much. I do 250 IU HCG EOD. I’m wondering if there’s anything else that I can do to fix or help with this issue.
Tough to come up with thoughts without a lot more info. What is your TRT protocol? How long have you been on TRT? Age? How long have you had these symptoms? We need recent labs.
Need labs. Could be your estrogen or DHT levels causing the problems. A balanced TRT protocol would not cause this problem. DHT goes up on T but if your anti-E is driving it down very low your libido will wane. Also, low E can cause lack of desire as well.