TRT Blast and Cruise Advice

I started TRT 8 months ago. My doc has me on 100mg Test E and 1mg Adex per week.
I split this up into .33mg Test E injections 3x per week and .25mg Adex 4x per week to prevent spikes.

I am quite happy with this regimen but I would like to try adding a “blast” portion to it for parts of the year (roughly 6-12 weeks of blasting each year)

I am thinking that for a week every month or 2 I will up the dosage. So for these weeks I would be taking 300mg Test E per week and 3mg Adex per week. And for good measure 250iu of HCG twice a week.

I don’t want to every really go over 300mg of Test E per week - I’m not looking for crazy gains.
I plan to keep my current TRT protocol as my baseline cruise dosage (which I will be on for life).

To you more knowledgeable members, how does this sound? Considering I have not experienced any testicular shrinkage within the 8 months I’ve been on TRT I am adding the 500iu HCG per week for the blast portions as a precautionary measure.

Also does my blast dosage idea seem sensible - tripling the amount of Test E per week thus tripling the amount of Anastrozole per week?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

It sounds rather stupid and pointless

Blasting and cruising is “rather stupid and pointless”? Or just my version of it?

How would you alter it so that it is better? is 300mg Test E too little for the blast? Would you make it more worth while like 700mg/week?

300 probably won’t get you to where you want to go.
Most people need at least 500mg/wk to get noticeable gains.
Not sure if you are thinking of the higher dose for 6 or 12, 1 week periods,
or a single 6 week or 12 week cycle. Being your first time you should be aiming for
8-10 weeks in a row.
You may need more Adex, but that depends on where your E2 is with
100mg & 1mg, but 3mg will probably crash your e2 so low you will make no gains and
feel like hell.

Would this be better?

Cruise (TRT for life): 100mg Test E and 1mg Adex per week

Blast (12 weeks per year): 500mg Test E, 5mg Adex and 750IU HCG per week

  1. My bloodwork has shown that 1mg adex per week keeps E2 close to optimal for TRT dose of 100mg Test E per week. So am I correct in thinking that this ratio will be ok when I increase the Test dosage to 500mg?

  2. Is 750IU HCG per week enough for the 12 weeks of blasting? What is the best way to determine the correct dosage of HCG?

  3. Once my 12th week of blasting is complete, can I go right back onto my TRT cruise doses for the remainder of the year? Just want to confirm that no sort of ramping down of dose or PCT is needed.

  4. Will “blasting” increase the likelihood that I will need to add HCG permanently to my TRT regimen?


If you search adex dosage you will see that the ratio (in most cases) isn’t static. So, if you were doing
1000mg per week, you would not be taking 10mg adex. Chances are that your 1mg will be enough for 500mg per test, or perhaps a little more. I go by the way my joints feel, my libido and existence (or absence) of morning wood to adjust my adex.

I really cannot comment on HCG as I have never used it. I know there are benefits, but I already have children, and a snip…plus my boys barely shrunk.

Since you are on TRT for life, there is no need for PCT, you just go back to your normal 100mg dosage.

[quote]concentrate wrote:
Blasting and cruising is “rather stupid and pointless”? Or just my version of it?

How would you alter it so that it is better? is 300mg Test E too little for the blast? Would you make it more worth while like 700mg/week?


Your version of it. 300 mg is nowhere near enough to get benefits for such a short duration. I read your post to indicate you will only blast for one week at a time, but that may not be the case. Regardless, you didn’t seem to be proposing any length of time that this would actually be beneficial from a bodybuilding standpoint.

[quote]concentrate wrote:
Would this be better?

Cruise (TRT for life): 100mg Test E and 1mg Adex per week

Blast (12 weeks per year): 500mg Test E, 5mg Adex and 750IU HCG per week

  1. My bloodwork has shown that 1mg adex per week keeps E2 close to optimal for TRT dose of 100mg Test E per week. So am I correct in thinking that this ratio will be ok when I increase the Test dosage to 500mg?

  2. Is 750IU HCG per week enough for the 12 weeks of blasting? What is the best way to determine the correct dosage of HCG?

  3. Once my 12th week of blasting is complete, can I go right back onto my TRT cruise doses for the remainder of the year? Just want to confirm that no sort of ramping down of dose or PCT is needed.

  4. Will “blasting” increase the likelihood that I will need to add HCG permanently to my TRT regimen?


So you are proposing to blast for 12 consecutive weeks right? So something like Jan-March of each year, with the rest of the year on TRT? If so, this is fine.

  1. Your adex dose is way too high. 1-1.5 mg/week should be all you need for that amount. You can get bloodwork done while on blast if you want to fine tune things. Do it after about a month.

  2. HCG dosage doesn’t change. This is purely to keep your boys producing whatever natural T you can and keeping them from atrophying. Same on cycle as off. 250 iu 2-3x/week.

  3. Yes. You could also just don’t inject for a week or two after to allow your blood levels to fall more quickly if you are concerned about health complications then resume your schedule. Doesn’t really matter.

  4. No. But you should be on HCG anyway if you actually need it.

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:

[quote]concentrate wrote:
Would this be better?

Cruise (TRT for life): 100mg Test E and 1mg Adex per week

Blast (12 weeks per year): 500mg Test E, 5mg Adex and 750IU HCG per week

  1. My bloodwork has shown that 1mg adex per week keeps E2 close to optimal for TRT dose of 100mg Test E per week. So am I correct in thinking that this ratio will be ok when I increase the Test dosage to 500mg?

  2. Is 750IU HCG per week enough for the 12 weeks of blasting? What is the best way to determine the correct dosage of HCG?

  3. Once my 12th week of blasting is complete, can I go right back onto my TRT cruise doses for the remainder of the year? Just want to confirm that no sort of ramping down of dose or PCT is needed.

  4. Will “blasting” increase the likelihood that I will need to add HCG permanently to my TRT regimen?


So you are proposing to blast for 12 consecutive weeks right? So something like Jan-March of each year, with the rest of the year on TRT? If so, this is fine.

  1. Your adex dose is way too high. 1-1.5 mg/week should be all you need for that amount. You can get bloodwork done while on blast if you want to fine tune things. Do it after about a month.

  2. HCG dosage doesn’t change. This is purely to keep your boys producing whatever natural T you can and keeping them from atrophying. Same on cycle as off. 250 iu 2-3x/week.

  3. Yes. You could also just don’t inject for a week or two after to allow your blood levels to fall more quickly if you are concerned about health complications then resume your schedule. Doesn’t really matter.

  4. No. But you should be on HCG anyway if you actually need it.

Yes, I am proposing to blast for 12 consecutive weeks. With the rest of the year on TRT.

  1. So currently on my TRT regimen 1mg of adex per week takes care of the 100mg Test per week. You’re saying for the blast, 1mg-1.5mg of adex per week will also take care of 500mg Test per week?

I was under the impression that when Test is injected a certain portion of it converts into E2 - and the adex is supposed to block this conversion. So if 500mg (5 times more than TRT) Test is injected you’re saying that 1-1.5mg adex will still be enough despite the substantial increase in Test?

  1. Noted

  2. Noted. Luckily my TRT doc is very relaxed and allows me to schedule my own blood tests - so I will go in about a month after I have finished my last week of blasting.

  3. My TRT doc claims that there will never be a need for HCG so long as I am taking adex. The reading I’ve done here suggests that adex will not address the issue of testicular atrophy - I’m pretty sure I can convince him to write me a HCG script if I decide its necessary.

The foremost sign that I need to add HCG to my TRT regimen is if the testicles shrink, is that correct? And until I notice that happening there is no need to take HCG?

I just want to make sure I have the Test/Adex dosages correct for the blast before I purchase it from an outside non-pharmacy source.

And lastly I just want to confirm that I can inject Test, HCG and HGH all IM. I find IM shots much easier than Sub Q - but I just want to make sure it is just as effective.

Thanks for the feedback!

I am on 200mg/wk of Test-C and I only need to take 1mg of Adex a week. Some guys need more to keep E2 in check, and some don’t need an AI at all (though that is on the rare side). You have to dose based on either blood-work or symptoms (as listed above by PKNY) - there is no standard “X-mg Adex per Y-mg Test” rule, it’s body-dependent. 1-1.5mg Adex may be able to carry you at 500mg+ a week, but you won’t know until you get there.

An AI won’t address the same things that hCG does. Take hCG to prevent/reverse shrinkage and/or pain. I didn’t have too much shrinkage before hCG but I did have a ton of pain and my testicle (I only have the one) was receding back up into my body which was awful. Another reason to take hCG is that there are hormones (namely pregnenolone) produced in the testicles that are beneficial to keep producing. Again, some guys NEED to keep their testicles running or they feel shitty, and some do just fine without keeping them going. If at 8 months on TRT you haven’t found the need for hCG then you likely won’t need it any time soon; Adding a “blast” phase to your TRT protocol may change that. You’ll also want to take hCG to prolong going sterile if having children is something you want to do.

I’ve never taken HGH, but you CAN inject both Test and hCG IM. It isn’t necessary for the hCG (or Test for that matter), but most of us do SQ on the hCG due to it being an EOD injection, and the SQ pins are smaller and have more injection sites than IM.

I think HGH is best injected IV, but I am not sure…you will have to find that out on your own.

If you are concerned about your adex dose, check your Estradiol 3-4 weeks into your blast. Not that difficult.