I been on TRT and my my levels gone from 600-1100 and i feel amazing. i am 6 ft 2 15% bf weighing in at 185 and not feeling well to going on trt and weighing 198 10 % bf and feeling alive. I am 30 years old and feel so confused about what i read and what random doctors tell me. Some doctors tell me that this is bad for you and you should be natural and i agree but they do not feel what i am feeling.
My point on what i am asking is, is trt for life bad for your body or can cause complications for me in the future or not? should i get off trt and go back to the range of 400-600 range because its natural and figure out a different solution.if i do trt will it shorten my life
There’s no evidence that TRT in it of itself will shorten your lifespan. I imagine that a lot of people who are on it have also been guys who used AAS before they started and/or continue to use on top of TRT. Having natural levels that are low for an extended period of time isn’t good for one’s health. Having supraphysiological levels is also not great. You want to achieve a level that mimics what you’d naturally be at absent primary or secondary hypogonadism.
That said, you were at 600 and absolutely did not qualify for TRT by any reasonable definition of the guidelines of “low testosterone”. Is your protocol through a doctor? I mean a real doctor, not the testosterone version of a Florida pill mill.
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I’m using a doctor In nyc but thinking about changing to defy.com doctor or the Florida or the pill mill but wouldn’t a testrone level of 1,000 be the most optimum?
I went on testrone because I felt like my libido was down, felt tired all the time, anxious and etc. I tried the testrone and I feel amazing.
You were at 600 and you’re 30. There is no medical reason to give you testosterone. Of course you feel amazing, having high testosterone feels amazing. Of all the things out there that can make you feel great I’d argue testosterone is probably the safest, healthiest option.
thank you for your time and the response. there is no medical reason why i am taking testosterone other than i feel that im not happy how i feel inside. If you were me would you stop trt given to me by my doctor or would you stay on it being monitored by my doctor?
Oh shit no, man. TRT changed my life entirely. I can absolutely relate to what you’re saying. If you feel great and are being monitored by a competent physician then there is no reason to change course. Just be mindful of what your doctor is telling you. Because a doc that puts a healthy man with decent test levels on TRT might not be 100% on target with all of his future suggestions or comments. Just keep that in mind and make sure that you’re your own best advocate.
You can’t just pick a number (1000) and assume you’ll feel good in that range, that’s why it pays to work with a doctor who knows what he’s doing. Defy Medical is such a place that has expert level care, I’m a patient there myself.
A man with a Total T of 600 can experience low T do to high SHBG and low Free T. I don’t need a Total T over 600 to feel amazing, everyone is different.