A background - I’m currently 28 and self prescribed medicating due to my country not classing me as low “enough”
I have been taking 120-150mg weekly shot of test (blend) sustanon
10 weeks so far, Not using any AI and i noticed my nipples were feeling heavy and puffy.
I freaked out and got some bloods done and also bought some nolvadex just to be safe with the gyno.
my blood was taken just before the day of my next shot. results below.
( since this was taken I’m now doing 2 shots a week instead of 1 the total will be 150mg per week)
Im now taking 20mg of Nolvadex just because of my paranoia with the gyno.
I hear alot about not taking AI with my TRT is a waste, I would like to gain some advice and knowledge on what and how much I should be using if any at all that is?
I have noticed since the first few weeks my sex drive has lowered a bit the first few weeks i was like a crazed animal lol.
I do have alot of excess stomach fat and from what i researched that can play a role in causing oestradiol to produce more estrogen.
I hate being self medicated because of all this, but my countries health system requires me to be at levels of an 80 year old man to do anything.
Private was an option but it was to expensive for me. ( still is as i have debts to pay)
Looking for help and guidance.