Hi, I’m new to the forum and this is my first post. I’m 37 years old, train 5-6 days a week since 15 years ( a year or two breaks because of kids ) .As probably some guys around here I started steroid cycling at my debut in bodybuilding around 22 years old. Back in these days PCT was unknown and things like Clomid or Novaldex were used only if a gyno flared up… I cycled many steroids cycles during 3-4 years and I guess I had been ‘’ enhanced ‘’ close to a year.
I had a gyno surgery at 28 years old. After that surgery, I took a long steroid break of 5 years. I felt of the wagon again around 30-31 years old but doing 1 cycle per year with only small testosterone amount ( not much than 300 mg per week ) combined with other products…My last cycle ( 400mg test + 400 mg Mast E ) was ended on Feb. 05. I waited 3 weeks before PCT with Clomid for 4 weeks… I’m feeling like shit, libido and hard ons are not what they were, sleep is very difficult I wake up 3-4 times per night. I nerver ever had any troubles recovering many cycles.
Before seeing a urologist because I’m in Canada, how long do I have to wait to get bloodworks without a RED flag ? YES, I’d like to be open with him but I want to have levels checked legally. If I have something which I highly doubt, I just want it fixed even TRT or not. It’s a life commitment with sides effects. Please keep ‘’ offensive answers to yourself ‘’ as there is no stupid questions, just stupid answers sometimes.