
Definetly a good improvement.
I just doubt you needed steroids to lose a bit of fat. You could have done these 8 weeks on maybe TRT, and then 8 more like these, and start then, but to each their own.


Youre not wrong! After I really thought about it I should of just ran a nice little Test boost for a while, then threw some gear in later! But its in the system now so i may as well make the best out of it!
Atleast its hoodie season(in my cold climate) so the belly can be dealt with later lol
Iā€™m planning to run this cycle into late December fill myself up with christmas food to finish it off. Will lock down a solid nutritional plan and cruise test for a couple monthsā€¦
get some bloods done if alls goodfingers crossed
then run my Test/Tren/Var to carve in the new juicy summer 2023 body


Week 9 Test
Week 5 NPP
100mg npp- 150mg TestE eod
Feeling good. Have/had lingering back and neck pains from previous injuries but those have almost completely subsided!
ā€¦ Chest needs work imo, when i first started lifting id do twice a week- upper and base split. Going to start that for a little bit. It has always been my weak point.

Happy Holidays everyone! ā€¦ been a while!

I myself will be eating everything in sight! Currently sitting about 206lbs with seemingly lower body fat %. Progress is going good, havent had any issues at all. Minimal acne compared to my last cycle especially.

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5 months later progress. Hit 206LBS around 2 and half months ago, now sitting at around 195LBS. Some weight to be traded off for lower body fat BF% been off NPP for 5 weeks now. Did a total of 18 weeks.
Dropped test from 700mg per week to 500 to 300 now sitting at 75mg every 3 days. Will be gettting blood work in a few weeks to confirm Iā€™m cruising at a nice pace.
Have another surgery coming up going to be out of commission again for 4-6 monthā€™s hopefully can maintain some of this build and get back to it asap!