I quit running a halodrol and trenavar ( geared up juiced) prohormones because of hair shedding. I am using tropical SpiroI and Rogaine for my hairloss but it is not working.
I have ran test/Tren ace/ and dbol before and never had a problem while using topical Spiro. It has been one week since i stopped and I am still getting a lot of hair shedding while still using topical Spiro and rogaine. Will the shedding ever stop? i am prone to mpb.
I started taking topical fin, azealic acid, and rogaine and I am still experiencing shedding and even have a bald spot now. I have cycle Test Prop and Tren Ace before with no problems while using fin but the tren only cycle has destroyed my hair line. It hicas been over 3 weeks and the shedding will not stop. I know tren has a 3 day half life but how long until it is fully out my system and the shedding stops. Theoretically, the propecia should stop the hairloss in it’s tracks if the tren is out of the system, RIGHT? plz help guys, I can’t seem to find an answer to this question.