Tren! Can't Gain Weight, No Appetite

I’ve been working out on and off since I was 15 years old. I’m coming up on the big 40!

Seriously thinking about entering local bodybuilding show in the 40 and over category, sometime in August.

Right now I am 6’1", 210 lbs, and trying to get up to around 230. I started out this cycle at 200 lbs even, and under 10% BF according to the BodPod. I am so low on body fat that I am getting hypoglycemic after just a little over an hour and a half after a decent sized meal. I would estimate I’m around 7%. I don’t have any fat that I can grasp anywhere in my body.

This might be okay for the stage but I would like to be closer to 11 or 12% body fat while training. I’ve never had a problem cutting down.

Currently taking 600mg Tren, 200mg test/week,50mg proviron/day.

I have some NPP that I could swap out with the Tren. Assuming I have unlimited supplies of tren, npp, test, proviron, primo, and anavar, How would you all do the last 8 weeks?

This is NOT from my first cycle, not a noob, just wanting some feedback from guys who are at least as experienced if not more than myself.

I don’t need any feedback from guys that are tiny on how to work out. Just like I don’t take marriage advice from single guys…

Thanks everybody!


How often do you eat meals? How many meals per day?

What does your training, diet/macros look like? I find it difficult to bulk on tren and would prefer something like deca or EQ. If I don’t get the carb timing right on tren around training I will go hypo as well.
That being said, food is what’s gonna make you grow. not the drugs.

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How about feedback from competitive eaters on how to stuff it in and proper form during 12 to 15 toilet sessions per day?


Look at his face at the end. That is simply an incredible individual performance in 30 min. Wow.

Pro tip…plenty of Desitin on hand.


I never took much tren, so I cannot speak to the effects large quantities might have. But the above might be the simple cause.

Did any of the previous cycles of the OP contain large dosage of tren? If so, was appetite a problem then?

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I would also prob lower the tren down to 3-400 as well. Anything more is not really needed for most. I’ve run up to 800/week and prob wouldn’t feel the need to go that high again.

I think there’s an age to implement restraint in what one is putting in their body, and I believe you are rapidly approaching that age.

That being said, you are incredibly lean and in great shape. If you are hell bent on doing a show - do one, take pictures, then start getting healthy. Enlarged Heart isn’t something to trifle with.

No comments on other compounds except that your AAS selection isn’t exactly designed for allowing higher BF%.

I don’t think what you are taking matches up well for your stated goal. If you want to be a few percent higher BF, and bulk a bit, why not use a bit more Test and just a bit lower on the Tren? Something like 600 / 400 Test / Tren.



not swap out, add the NPP.

keep the tren for the nutrient partitioning.

I’d use 400 tren, 400 NPP, 200 test

and curious why such low test?

Going hypo has nothing to do with bodyfat. Its one of the most known side effects of tren. Just keep glucose tabs on hand at all times and pop 2-3 when you feel the light headedness coming up.

As far as the appetite…i dont understand… what does appetite has to do with eating? I need 6000kcal a day to bulk now. I wake up still burping last days meals. You put things in your face and swallow. Eating when hungry is like only doing first 3 reps of a 10 rep max and stopping because its about to get hard.
If you want to put on size, you force feed.

As far as the cycle. If you have done steroids before and you have not been sitting on your ass the last months losing all your gains, 8 weeks wont do shit. Have you ever seen anyone, with even elite genetics like Bumstead, make ANY gains in a period of 8 weeks? There is an X amount of tissue that can be gained in a day or a week. The bigger you are the less it is and therefore the less noticable it is. If you wanna gain 20lbs you are looking at a pound a week for 20 weeks, half of which, if lucky, is water and fat. So you are looking at closer to 40 weeks plus a cut. This 8 weeks bullshit works on beginners and guys who have let themselves go for a while. There are video logs on youtube with every known athlete nowdays. You show me anyone who can make noticable improvement from, lets say 3 months back and today. None.

500-1000mgs test
300-700mgs tren ace(500-1000 if its tren E).
500-1000mgs EQ.
Start with lowest dose, up the dose every 2-3 months. Stay on at least 9 months. 3 month cruise, do organ imaging and heart scans. If all cool, repeat.

Do bloodwork…if LDL is above the norm, get statins. If BP is above 140 for a long time, get BP meds.
Also get ARBs preventive anyways. We dont want heart gains.

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I am 100% on board with Hank. Eat according to the clock. If you ever get hungry you are late for that meal.


What are you eating to get this much food in? I’m eating pretty clean with a couple shit meals here and there and currently struggling to get in 3800cals.

My most common foods are - before and after morning gym i drink vegan protein, and eat 600-800 grams of white bread with jam, honey and/or nutella like spread. I try to limit my fats for heart health so i am happy if my fats are around 20%. 30% is max, which i only allow if i didnt get the calories, like yesterday i ate 1200kcal worth of chocolate before bed. Normally my fats are around 20% so i look out for that. So bread, jam, honey is a quick meal before and after gym.
Then i will eat 2 meals with some chicken and/or low fat cheese in some tortillas, or with pasta, or rice and/or beans.
I will drink at least 2 liters of pine apple juice a day which is 1000kcal total.
I lately have found some ice cream that sits well in me, so i eat that, and also some salty crackers, cookies called “jaffa cakes” which are like cookies with jelly and dark chocolate.
Basically i aim for 0.8-1g per lbs of protein. As low fat as possible if callorie goal allows, and high carb, mostly simple sugar stuff. Loads of white bread in form of bread, pasta, cookies, tortillas, crackers, gingerbread etc.

But i don’t really eat…i just stuff those things in my face, drink some juice on top, chew 2-3 times and swallow it like a handfull of large pills.
My LDL is in the middle of a normal scale. I take 2-4 ius of insulin with my largest meals to prevent diabetes and i take cardarine and sometimes i fast(and i fast all the time when i dont bulk) to prevent insulin resistance.

These are a couple examples of typical days for me.

Food- 3674cals.243c/99f/369p
Meal1- 4 Kodiak Waffles/zero cal syrup
Meal2- Shake
Meal3- 6oz chicken breast/90g cream of rice
Meal4- Apple pre WO/shake post WO
Meal5- 2 five guys little cheeseburgers/8 french fries
Meal6- Shake

Food- 3533cals.326c/90f/364p
Meal1- 100g oatmeal/4 whole eggs
Meal2- 8oz chicken breast/90g cream of rice
Meal3- quest bar pre/shake post
Meal4- Turkey sandwich/small bag kettle chips
Meal5- 8oz chicken breast/60g egg noodles
Meal6- Shake/peanut butter

Food 3457cals/245c/101f/389p
Meal1- 80g oatmeal/4 whole eggs
Meal2-quest bar
Meal3-Cobb salad xtra chicken/2 small rolls
Meal4- Protein shake post WO
Meal5- 5 slices Ezekiel/4 whole eggs/peanut butter
Meal6- Protein shake

Currently trying to put on some size. Started last week of september at 2500cals and 190lbs. Currently 3500cals and +/-200lbs. I tend to put on fat pretty easy so I try to be mindfull of what i’m eating. Any changed you would make or just keep up the slow and steady? I’ll prob keep bulking until mid january before I need to start coming down and decide if I want to compete next year or not.

Does no one use MCT oil any more for additional calories. John Parrillo recommended that back in the 1990’s. It is a very easy, non filling method of intaking many more calories per day.

One by product is that you will never get constipated adding a few ounces of MCT oil. Parrillo sold it as CapTri Oil

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Food- 3674cals.243c/99f/369p
Meal1- 4 Kodiak Waffles/zero cal syrup
Meal2- Shake
Meal3- 6oz chicken breast/90g cream of rice
Meal4- Apple pre WO/shake post WO
Meal5- 2 five guys little cheeseburgers/8 french fries
Meal6- Shake

Food- 3533cals.326c/90f/364p
Meal1- 100g oatmeal/4 whole eggs
Meal2- 8oz chicken breast/90g cream of rice
Meal3- quest bar pre/shake post
Meal4- Turkey sandwich/small bag kettle chips
Meal5- 8oz chicken breast/60g egg noodles
Meal6- Shake/peanut butter

Food 3457cals/245c/101f/389p
Meal1- 80g oatmeal/4 whole eggs
Meal2-quest bar
Meal3-Cobb salad xtra chicken/2 small rolls
Meal4- Protein shake post WO
Meal5- 5 slices Ezekiel/4 whole eggs/peanut butter
Meal6- Protein shake

@RT_Nomad your thoughts on fattier cuts of meat, thanks.

If the bulk gets difficult, I would eat fattier cuts of meat. I always tried to avoid reduced fat and no fat protein foods in a bulk. IMO, high glycemic carbohydrates are your biggest enemies (especially carbs in a bag or box.)

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Hate to admit it. Starting my bastardized gluconeogenic “keto” bulk today:

5180 kcal
560 g P / 282 g F / 67 g Net C

Much easier on my waist with no carbs.

232 lb, about 9-10% BF.


Beast mode.

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