Have read alot about tren ace over and over ,but whats the diffrence besides the two longer esters and why hasn’t anyone on here not talked about using tri? Wouldn’t the longer esters let you pin EOD or E3D with good results? Or is the stuff no good?
It’s mostly for the reason that Tren is a very powerful compound that affects different individuals differently, and even affects the same individual differently at different times. With acetate, if the sides are too hard to handle, you can be rid of them in a matter of days. With a longer ester, such as Tren E, you’re fucked for weeks.
For that reason, I won’t ever fuck with Tren E, no matter how well Tren A did for me.
Others may have differing reasons, but that’s mine.
Hey guys I’ve been on halotren for about 2 weeks n I ve only gained 3 lbs but my strength hasn’t gone up. Does anyone have any knowledge on halotren or how it worked for them
[quote]OB_18 wrote:
Hey guys I’ve been on halotren from powerlabs nutriont for about 2 weeks n I ve only gained 3 lbs but my strength hasn’t gone up. Does anyone have any knowledge on halotren or how it worked for them [/quote]
Start your own thread imo. Also, halotren is not tren. It’s some garbage pro-hormone that you’re wasting your money on.
go with the ace. more stable blood levels less sides… i used the tri and had lower back pain and shortness of breath.
Thanks for the info… Have ace and plan on starting it next week.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Tri-tren is a product that was designed under a false premise, namely that a mix of acetate and enanthate esters will somehow defy their pharmacokinetics (or is it pharmacodynamics?) and meld into one smooth release pattern.
Perhaps if the esters were more closely matched (prop, phenylprop, isocaproate, enanthate - for example), the practice might live up to the theory.
But they aren’t and the concept fails in vivio, leaving users feeling depressed, angry, etc.
However the product apparently sells well around my area, simply because the users believe the hype and the ‘surface theory’/sales pitch. I have heard more tales of dis-satisfaction than good results though.
Just my tuppenceworth
BBB[/quote]I’ve heard people make that claim as well. Such as with Sustanon, the different esters merge and the half-life combines and averages out. Didn’t sound plausible to me.