Hello, so I’ve been on TRT for about 2 months now and Its come time for me to go study abroad again. I was given a Nebido script, but I know that Nebido is trash from reading around the forums.So I’ve contacted a pharmacy that agreed to sell me multiple Sustanon250’s (Test E and cyp aren’t available in my country) in exchange for my Nebido prescription. What would happen if I were to travel with the Sustanon in my bag?
You’d need proof that the sustanon is medically required. Typically the rule states that an individual may bring/ bring back up to a months supply of certain scheduled medicines, however (In Australia) this rule doesn’t apply to any substance classified as an anabolic steroid therefore one must provide proof that they have a medical condition in order to bring the testosterone preparation and you should probably declare the item before boarding the plane. (funnily enough methylstenbolone and methylepitiostanol aren’t listed as controlled substances here or classified as anabolic steroids… I guess they slipped under the radar). Alternatively you could just pack the stuff in your check in luggage and if caught play the ignorance card as in you were unaware that it was a prohibited substance, you do have a valid medical reason for carrying it on you etc however I don’t advise this option as your medication could end up confiscated along and a hefty fine could possibly be dished out.
Isn’t there a prescription label on the vial or box that it comes in?
I can tell my doctor to write me extra Nebido prescriptions as proof, but will it be legal if I have a different testosterone brand/ester?
Idk, no prescription label that I noticed. Where I come from anyone can get there hands on pharma grade testosterone.
Can you ask your doc for scripts for sustanon? If the ampuoles/box that the ampuoles come in has your name on it that should be adequate proof. You say anyone can get there hands on pharma grade test, are you stating you live in a country where anabolic steroids are available over the counter or that people don’t enforce the laws regarding possession/ purchase of anabolic steroids. Regardless, if the country you are travelling to has the same laws (if it’s available over the counter like your country) you should be fine regardless of proof, but don’t take my word on it, I’m just guessing.
I’m traveling to the US, I’m pretty sure that they’re strict on having anabolics with you. My doc is being very hard to deal with because he is pretty adamant that Nebido is way better than an alternative shorter ester. I dont have the time or the money to talk to more stupid doctors, who would probably make me get off TRT and waste my time again. The country I live in does not enforce buying practically any steroid or testosterone over the counter (you just have to find a pharmacist who’s willing to sell and some pharmacies deliver to your door lol)
I don’t know what to say, what’s the injection interval you are being prescribed for the nebido? As in how often are you instructed to take said shot. The US is very harsh within regards to possessing AAS without a prescription
once every two months