Toughest US President

So who was the Toughest S.O.B. ever to hold the Oval Office? My vote goes to Franklin Pierce. The guy whooped Kansas so hard it bled!!

My second place vote would go to Franklin D. Roosevelt. The guy’s finishing move was The Polio Driver!!

Andrew Jackson, easily.

Crushed Nicholas Biddle and the first central bank we had (similar to our Federal Reserve today), withstood first censure of a President then crushed them all. And let’s not forget the war of 1812!

Andy, where are you? There are few MEN in Washington anymore, just rodents.

Teddy Roosevelt was pretty hardcore. JFK and the PT 109 certainly earned him a spot also.

Washington may have had the most to endure with an uncertain outcome.

George Washington was one tough SOB. The shit he went threw in the war for independence was hardcore. I think more so than Teddy.

[quote]gatesoftanhauser wrote:
So who was the Toughest S.O.B. ever to hold the Oval Office? My vote goes to Franklin Pierce. The guy whooped Kansas so hard it bled!!

My second place vote would go to Franklin D. Roosevelt. The guy’s finishing move was The Polio Driver!![/quote]

FDR was a bitch. My vote would either be TR and “the strenuous life” or Washington. TR grew up an asthmatic wimp. Next thing you know he’s kicking his own ass to make a man out of himself and charging up San Juan Hill or exploring the Amazon or going on safari. He was a man among men.


did he deadlift?

shit sorry wrong channel

Eisenhower has to be on that list. The guy was the Supreme Allied Commander and had final say on ALL strategic planning for the Normandy invasion. (This made him extremely unpopular with some of the highest ranking British military officials, but most of his decisions ended up being correct.) You have to be on the list when you were responsible for bringing Hitler down…

Gotta agree with Headhunter - Andrew Jackson, who once stopped a sword with his hand. Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia

Other top vote getters: George Washington, Ulysses Grant, Teddy Roosevelt.

Honorable mentions: Dwight Eisenhower; Zachary Taylor.

[quote]Mikeyali wrote:
gatesoftanhauser wrote:
So who was the Toughest S.O.B. ever to hold the Oval Office? My vote goes to Franklin Pierce. The guy whooped Kansas so hard it bled!!

My second place vote would go to Franklin D. Roosevelt. The guy’s finishing move was The Polio Driver!!

FDR was a bitch. My vote would either be TR and “the strenuous life” or Washington. TR grew up an asthmatic wimp. Next thing you know he’s kicking his own ass to make a man out of himself and charging up San Juan Hill or exploring the Amazon or going on safari. He was a man among men.


LOL. Damn this has turned into a funny thread.

What about George H. Bush?crickets chirp Anyone? Anyone? he gave the 4th largest ARMY in the world (Iraq, at that time) the “Walking Powerbomb” in just one hundred hours of ground warfare!!

Or how about Abe Lincoln giving the Confederacy the “Appamattox Death Drop”??

Some years back there was a funny list of all US Presidents and their wrestling finishing moves online. It was really funny and I wish I could find it, but I’ve googled high and low and can’t.

George Washington, no doubt.

[quote]gatesoftanhauser wrote:
…I’ve googled high and low…[/quote]

Oficially the most fucking hilarious thing I’ve ever read!

abe Lincoln could kick any presidents ass

Jackson walked around with so many bullets in him from duels, people said he rattled. He was in 14 duels to the death, though he only killed one man.

A lot of these early Presidents were just out-and-out tough sumbitches.

[quote]shizen wrote:
abe Lincoln could kick any presidents ass[/quote]

Tall guy, long reach, skinny guys fight till they’re burger–Tyler Durden.

btw, F Lincoln


Andrew Jackson or TR. Can’t argue with what’s been said.

[quote]gatesoftanhauser wrote:
What about George H. Bush?crickets chirp Anyone? Anyone? he gave the 4th largest ARMY in the world (Iraq, at that time) the “Walking Powerbomb” in just one hundred hours of ground warfare!!

Or how about Abe Lincoln giving the Confederacy the “Appamattox Death Drop”??

Some years back there was a funny list of all US Presidents and their wrestling finishing moves online. It was really funny and I wish I could find it, but I’ve googled high and low and can’t.[/quote]

I’d go with Lincoln. He reunited a split nation although he did grant the federal gov’t more power in doing so which was pretty shitty of him.

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
My top three:

3. Teddy Rosevelt-He was proficient at Judo and boxing. He also led the rough riders up San Wan hill.

2. Abraham Lincoln-Not many realize that this guy was a darn good wrestler. While there were no official championships for this sport in the 1840’s Lincoln used to travel around and kick some serious butt. He also had to be mentally tough to tak the nation through the bloodiest time in its history. And…hey he took a bullet in the head, that has to qualify him as tough…no?

1.George Washington-This is the number one toughest President who ever lived. While Lincoln was a good wrestler Washington was a great one. It was reported in early American literature that Washington was unbeaten in over 200 wrestling matches. In fact, on occasion he used to challenge the rank and file men to back up their negative comments with their fists.

And if you want to talk mentally tough, if brought a rag tag early American military to victory over what was then the worlds premier fight force, the British army. And it should go without saying that if they had lost that little conflict Washington and the others would have been hung by neck until dead.

Yep…don’t buy into all the photos of Washington in a whig and sipping tea. He was the toughest President to have ever lived, and I believe without him there would be no United States of America.

(And scum bags like orion would have nothing to trash on a repeated basis) [/quote]

That’s a cool story about GW challenging soldiers who talked shit to him.