Hi, I’ve been trying to get lab work done for my low testosterone for the past 3 years now. The most lab work I’ve been able to get is total testosterone, free testosterone, and prolactin. The problem is that the doctors I’ve seen are all egotistical and won’t listen to what I have to say. It’s very frustrating when the doctor says that I’m wrong and will only order tests they think are sufficient.
Today, I saw Dr. Laith Mahdi. He had good reviews on Google and opencare.com, but was very arrogant in person. He ordered total testosterone and prolactin along with some basic blood work and told me that my testosterone is fine. This the blood test:
WBC 8.2 (4.0 - 11.0) x E9/L
RBC 5.41 (4.50 - 6.00) x E12/L
Hemoglobin 147 (135 - 175) g/L
Hematocrit 0.43 (0.40 - 0.50) L/L
MCV 80.2 (80.0 - 100.0) fL
MCH 27.2 (27.5 - 33.0) pg LOW
MCHC 339 (305 - 360) g/L
Platelets 267 (150-400) x E9/L
RDW 13.2 (11.5 - 14.5) %
Neutrophils 5.0 (2.0 - 7.5) x E9/L
Lymphocytes 1.8 (1.0 - 3.5) x E9/L
Monocytes 1.2 (0.2 - 1.0) x E9/L HIGH
Eosinophils 0.1 (0.0 - 0.5) x E9/L
Basophils 0.0 (0.0 - 0.2) x E9/L
Biochemical Investigation of Anemias
Vitamin B12 648 (198 - 615) pmol/L HIGH
Ferritin 51 (22 - 322) ug/L
General Chemistry
Glucose Fasting 5.5 (3.6 - 6.0) mmol/L
Hemoglobin A1C/Total Hemoglobin 0.054 <0.060
General Chemistry
Results may not accurately reflect mean blood
glucose in patients with hemoglobin variants,
disorders associated with abnormal erythrocyte
turnover, severe renal and liver disorders.
Sodium 138 (135 - 147) mmol/L
Potassium 4.3 (3.5 - 5.5) mmol/L
Creatinine 85 (62 - 115) umol/L
Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) 99
or = 90 mL/min/1.73 m2
For patients of African descent, the reported
eGFR must be multiplied by a correction factor
of 1.21.
Albumin 51 (35-50) g/L HIGH
Alanine Aminotransferase 12 (12 - 49) U/L
Hours After Meal 15 Hours
Triglyceride 1.14 mmol/L
Cholesterol 5.30 mmol/L
HDL Cholesterol 1.39 mmol/L
Non HDL Cholesterol 3.91 mmol/L
Non HDL-Cholesterol is calculated from Total
Cholesterol and HDL-c and is not affected by
the fasting status of the patient.
LDL Cholesterol 3.39 mmol/L
Consider the non HDL-C value as an alternate
lipid target if monitoring treatment in
intermediate or high risk patients.
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 3.8
Cholesterol/HDL-C is not included in the 2012 CCS
guideline as a lipid initiation or treatment
target but is recognized as an indicator of high
CVD risk at Cholesterol/HDL-C ratio >6.0
Lipid Target Values Lipid Target Values should be based on patient
10 year CVD risk assessment. 2012 revised
treatment goals include:
High or Intermediate CVD risk
Primary LDL-C < or = 2.0 mmol/L OR
Tx target > or = 50% decrease in LDL-C
Alternate Non HDL-C < or = 2.6 mmol/L OR
Tx target ApoB < or = 0.8 g/L
Low CVD risk
Primary > or = 50% decrease in LDL-C
Tx target
Thyroid Function
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [TSH] 2.27 (0.30 - 4.00) mIU/L
Pituitary Function
Prolactin 15 (2 - 18) ug/L
Reproductive and Gonadal
Testosterone 13.7 (8.4 - 28.8) nmol/L
Total Testosterone levels may not reflect the
biologically-active testosterone when SHBG levels
are abnormal.
Bone Markers
25-Hydroxyvitamin D 147 (75 - 250) nmol/L
Season, race and dietary intake affect 25-Hydroxy
Vitamin D levels. Highest levels are found in
the summer months and lowest levels during the
I told him that total testosterone is not a good indicator for active testosterone and that bioavailable testosterone is better. He didn’t even know what bioavailable testosterone is. He thought it was the same thing as free testosterone and had to look it up after I kept insisting that they are different things. It even says so on the blood report “Total Testosterone levels may not reflect the biologically-active testosterone when SHBG levels are abnormal.”.
The first time I saw him I told him about my symptoms, low libido, fatigue, poor beard growth, etc, and he was very hesitant to order any hormonal blood tests. He had the audacity to tell me that I’m a controlling person, that I want to order him to do whatever I want and that my symptoms are the result of depression. I fucking hate hearing the depression diagnosis. It’s a catch-all for all my symptoms. A get-free card. It’ s when a doctor doesn’t give a shit and wants you to get out of their face.
I’ve been seeing a psychiatrist and while I have some psychiatric problems, poor concentration, poor motivation, poor energy, etc, it’s at best dysthmia and not full-blown depression. Furthermore, I have tried several antidepressants that have either only partially helped, but with lots of side effects, or made me worse! I now just take Selegiline and occasionally modafinil for focus and energy. I have never had suicidal thoughts or negative feelings/emotions. In fact, I barely have any emotions at all. I’ve told this to all the doctors I’ve seen and they all say “well you haven’t tried enough antidepressants” or “you haven’t tried an SSRI which are the best antidepressants”. An SSRI? Are you kidding me? SSRIs are well known to cause a loss of libido and dampen emotions/motivation. They’re also known for decreasing energy. Why would I take an SSRI if my symptoms are the exact same as the side effects these drugs cause?
These doctors always just order the basics: complete blood count, ferritin, vitamin b12, TSH. When the numbers come back normal, or within range (that’s all they care about), they give up and say there’s nothing wrong with me. I’ve been suffering for so long, but no doctor will actually help me. It’s like I’m just a number to them and not a human, patient #xxxx.
Does anyone know of a doctor that isn’t arrogant? Someone that actually cares about the patient? I need to see a family doctor first because I can’t see an endocrinologist without getting a referral.