
Barry Bonds just hit his 756th homerun at home in the bottom of the 5th inning vs. Mike Bacsik of the Washington Nationals.

I know that there are mixed feelings about Bonds, but he just broke one of the most, if not THE most hallowed record in sports history.

Congrats Barry!!!

I’m curious if anybody in the stands booed. Was it mostly a good reception?

Yeah . . It was

[quote]beebuddy wrote:
I’m curious if anybody in the stands booed. Was it mostly a good reception?[/quote]

I saw it live, and the crowd went wild!!! Since he was at home, I knew he would get a warm reception.

When he hit 755 on the road at San Diego, he received a standing ovation, which is respect to receive that on the road.

Well good for him. I must admit though, I do have slightly mixed feelings about it. I suppose it’s just nostalgia for simpler times. :slight_smile:


I hate the Giants and was very happy when you chocked in the postseason with the Pirates againt my Braves.

But you are still the greatest hitter of all time!

Congrats on hitting 756!!!

How anti-climactic was that?
It almost made my wiener go soft.

Innocent until proven guilty, agreed. You know it, I know it and MLB Commissioner knows it that this record is tainted. It wasn’t steroids that made Barry’s head grow big folks; it was hGH - Human Growth Hormone. It’s true he didn’t test positive for Anabolic Steroids, but that’s because there’s no effective way to test for hGH.

This was not a Black and White issue, but an ethical one instead and MLB is a joke because of it.
Is it a disgrace or just a simple sign of the times? Have we become so desensitized by cheating and violence to not care anymore?

World’s All-Time Home Run still safe at 868!
Long live Sadaharu Oh and Hank Aaron!

He already held the most impressive record of all time, yes, even more impressive than the All-time Home Run leader:

500 Home Runs, 500 Steals

That is the one record in any sport that will never be broken and you can take that to the bank.

That’s talent, not pharmaceuticals. He would have achieved that record whether he ever touched PEDs or not.

I’m glad this is over. Now the media can shut up about it, the Bonds haters can shut up, the Bonds supporters can shut up, and we can all move on.

I just don’t understand how people can hate someone they have never met.

“Bonds is a cheater!!! blah, blah, blah” As long as there are professional sports, there will be athletes looking for ways to cheat. Accept it and take it for what it’s worth.

Sports are for entertainment purposes. Stop taking them so damn serious. Everyone needs to just chill the fuck out and relax a bit.

I love sports just as much as the next person. But I realize that they really don’t make a significant impact on my life either way.

756 home runs is 756 home runs. I personaly think he used anabolics, but that doesn’t take away from the respect and admiration I have for him. Any one of us could take double or triple the amount of drugs he did and still NOT hit 756 home runs.

He’s said several times that steroids don’t help you hit a baseball, which is obviously true. You need the talent and the ability to be able to hit a baseball, juice will help in your recovery time a great deal. And for someone as old as Barry, a little juice goes a loooooooooooooooooooong way. Pun intended.

Congratulations Barry. No motherfucking asterisk…

[quote]dre wrote:
I just don’t understand how people can hate someone they have never met.

I think it makes sports more fun. I can’t stand Barry Bonds and I have never met him. But my pure disklike for him made me root against him, which still had me watching more baseball than I usually do. It’s a form of entertainment, not liking him makes baseball more interesting to me. Look at all the attention the Lakers get just because people hate Kobe. And my dislike for him now has me interested in someone else who may break his record withing the next 5-8 years.

Anyway, yeah, it still takes alot of skill to hit that ball over the fence but I am looking forward to that record being broken.

Seriously though, a tribute video to Barry’s 756!!!

[quote]vbm537 wrote:
dre wrote:
I just don’t understand how people can hate someone they have never met.

I think it makes sports more fun. I can’t stand Barry Bonds and I have never met him. But my pure disklike for him made me root against him, which still had me watching more baseball than I usually do. It’s a form of entertainment, not liking him makes baseball more interesting to me. Look at all the attention the Lakers get just because people hate Kobe. And my dislike for him now has me interested in someone else who may break his record withing the next 5-8 years.

Anyway, yeah, it still takes alot of skill to hit that ball over the fence but I am looking forward to that record being broken.[/quote]

I can see your point.

I think the people we should be hating on are guys like Neifi Perez and Alex Gonzalez who have tested positive for illegal stimulants and/or anabolics but still suck.

[quote]TKOWKD1 wrote:
World’s All-Time Home Run still safe at 868!
Long live Sadaharu Oh and Hank Aaron![/quote]

Josh Gibson?

[quote]dre wrote:
I’m glad this is over. Now the media can shut up about it, the Bonds haters can shut up, the Bonds supporters can shut up, and we can all move on.

I just don’t understand how people can hate someone they have never met.

“Bonds is a cheater!!! blah, blah, blah” As long as there are professional sports, there will be athletes looking for ways to cheat. Accept it and take it for what it’s worth.

Sports are for entertainment purposes. Stop taking them so damn serious. Everyone needs to just chill the fuck out and relax a bit.

I love sports just as much as the next person. But I realize that they really don’t make a significant impact on my life either way.[/quote]

Yeah, I agree and good for Bonds.


[quote]OneDay wrote:
756 home runs is 756 home runs. I personaly think he used anabolics, but that doesn’t take away from the respect and admiration I have for him. Any one of us could take double or triple the amount of drugs he did and still NOT hit 756 home runs.

He’s said several times that steroids don’t help you hit a baseball, which is obviously true. You need the talent and the ability to be able to hit a baseball, juice will help in your recovery time a great deal. And for someone as old as Barry, a little juice goes a loooooooooooooooooooong way. Pun intended.

Congratulations Barry. No motherfucking asterisk…[/quote]

Who here has ever played competitive baseball? High school, legion, town ball, college ball?

If you have hit a baseball, you know that bat speed is the number one thing that determines how far you hit the ball. This is not rocket science.

I’m not denying that Barry has a sweet swing. A lot of players do. I’m saying that quicker bat speed correlates to more homeruns. Is it that much of a stretch to surmise that steroids can help a hitter get more speed on his already nice swing?

He admitted taking steroids, he just thought it was flax oil.

All baseball records are tainted. Different eras, different mound heights, different balls, different gloves etc.

It doesn’t matter. He is one of the best hitters of all time and he is a jerk. The record is very anti-climactic.

[quote]jtrinsey wrote:
I think the people we should be hating on are guys like Neifi Perez and Alex Gonzalez who have tested positive for illegal stimulants and/or anabolics but still suck.[/quote]

AGREED!!! :smiley: Guys like Perez and Gonzalez show that even if somebody was juiced, it wouldn’t make them a better ball player. Bonds is no saint, but no one can be justified in questioning his skills as a ballplayer.

I was disappointed by Selig’s hands-in-pocket reaction and Aaron’s shitty video tribute. Best friends forever.

Honestly, if there was a way to test for everything everyone was taking, I think people would be shocked at how many people are taking SOMETHING.

I mean, hell, caffeine is a stimulant and helps improve your game over what you would normally be able to play, so lets ban Coffee and energy drinks. Spike has taken my weight lifting to the next level on some days, I’m not ashamed of it nor do I think im “cheating”.

How far do you take it? Only organic fruits and veggies and organic beef? That way we make sure no one is getting anything except what the bare minimum.