Hey all, I decided to post this question in here to get the best responses. I’m about to head overseas for a quick minute and decided to pull a competition with my brother back home. We decided to see who would be in the best shape when I return. The goal is overall best body composition visually nothing special. The rules are only 3 supplements are allowed at anytime, you can change it up if you want but no more than three at a time.
A standard multi doesn’t count but everything else does. I was wondering what you all could suggest as good combos for this. I’m leaving at 168lbs, I’m 69in tall and 12% BF, I’m going to try a each body part 2X a week with one day off, 4 exercises for each body part, 16-20 sets and rotate between 4-6 reps and 8-12 every three weeks…I’ll be gone for six months…any advice from the vets would help…thanks all.
I agree with Bonez, sans the Alpha Male. I would go with Flameout or some other fish oil instead, but I am no expert by any means.
We all know that the one that sticks to a decent diet and is consistent over the 6 months is going to win, regardless of supplements.
Depending on where you are, eating 6 decent meals a day will be an issue, which is why the Metabolic Drive complete would be an excelent choice, as Bonez suggested.
If you are going to the desert where you are surrounded by dudes, like I always was, you dont need to be boosting test, trust me. You also wont have any problem being motivated to lift, usually do to the fact that there is nothing else to do.
BTW, where are you going, or can you say? Will you be living out of tents or hard walled housing units?
Also, if you are eating MRE’s, be carefull. Each MRE by itself is designed to provide a full days worth of calories.
Obviously creatine and Metabolic Drive will be of huge benefit, but aside from those, I figure periworkout supps will provide the biggest bang, whether we’re talking Anaconda, or simply sipping BCAAs.
[quote]TNfit wrote:
Whoever works the hardest and eats the best will win. Supplements will make little difference. [/quote]
Thanks for the commentary, but the OP asked for people’s opinions of the top 3 supps for gaining muscle, not whether supplements are more important than food or hard work.
Eat clean/balanced, work hard and take that multivitamin you say you are taking. On top of that, my favorite 3 are whey, glutamine and fish oil. I’ve tried lots of other stuff but these things helped with my muscle growth the best.