[quote]Stronghold wrote:
HERO wrote:
grow up little boy.
Well, considering we are the same age and that I outweigh you by 40 lbs and am 6 inches shorter than you, perhaps you should be the one worrying about “growing”. Hes a celebrity, and a queer one that that. Hes getting picked on, its par for the course. I think Paris Hilton might need some defending though, you should get busy.[/quote]
You’re lack of maturity and insecurity shine through in this post, and thus i refer to my previous statement. And has it occurred to you that i could care less to update my personal profile on this website and have made substantial gains in the past two years?
Probably not, and although you may find this hard to believe, there are people out there much like myself who don’t validate themselves on what others think of them over the internet.
[quote]HERO wrote:
Stronghold wrote:
HERO wrote:
grow up little boy.
Well, considering we are the same age and that I outweigh you by 40 lbs and am 6 inches shorter than you, perhaps you should be the one worrying about “growing”. Hes a celebrity, and a queer one that that. Hes getting picked on, its par for the course. I think Paris Hilton might need some defending though, you should get busy.
You’re lack of maturity and insecurity shine through in this post, and thus i refer to my previous statement. And has it occurred to you that i could care less to update my personal profile on this website and have made substantial gains in the past two years?
Probably not, and although you may find this hard to believe, there are people out there much like myself who don’t validate themselves on what others think of them over the internet. [/quote]
Do you think that if I gave a damn about what people on the internet thought of me that I would act like half as much of an asshat as I do on these boards? I post this shit because I think its funny and I think thats its even more entertaining that people like YOU get so up in arms over what some random stranger says on a message board.
Napoleon complex
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Napoleon complex is a colloquial term describing a type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people who are physically short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This term is also known as Napoleon syndrome and Small Man syndrome.
The Napoleon complex is named after French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. The conventional wisdom is that Napoleon overcompensated for his short height by seeking power, war and conquest. However, Napoleon was actually average height for his time period. The perception that Napoleon was short may be related to his often being seen with his Imperial Guard, which was above average height.
[quote]HERO wrote:
Napoleon complex
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Napoleon complex is a colloquial term describing a type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people who are physically short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This term is also known as Napoleon syndrome and Small Man syndrome.
The Napoleon complex is named after French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. The conventional wisdom is that Napoleon overcompensated for his short height by seeking power, war and conquest. However, Napoleon was actually average height for his time period. The perception that Napoleon was short may be related to his often being seen with his Imperial Guard, which was above average height.[/quote]
Oh, so now youre making psychological diagnoses based on a few posts on an internet forum?
[quote]Stronghold wrote:
HERO wrote:
ss847859 wrote:
Jillybop wrote:
I wish I was that goat…
I dont understand women…you do know he knocked up his supermodel girlfriend then dumped her and is now dating a different supermodel right? Hes a douche but I guess he gets a break cuz chick thinks he hot.
You do realize that they separated before either knew that she was pregnant right?
Know your facts before you spew BS out your pie hole.
Wow, someones got a man crush.[/quote]
OR someone thinks people shouldn’t tarnish a man’s integrity without facts.
[quote]HERO wrote:
ss847859 wrote:
Jillybop wrote:
I wish I was that goat…
I dont understand women…you do know he knocked up his supermodel girlfriend then dumped her and is now dating a different supermodel right? Hes a douche but I guess he gets a break cuz chick thinks he hot.
You do realize that they separated before either knew that she was pregnant right?
Know your facts before you spew BS out your pie hole. [/quote]
You believe that? I think it is just as likely that is a story they cooked up to protect his image. I wonder what he agreed to pay in child support.
[quote]HERO wrote:
ss847859 wrote:
Jillybop wrote:
I wish I was that goat…
I dont understand women…you do know he knocked up his supermodel girlfriend then dumped her and is now dating a different supermodel right? Hes a douche but I guess he gets a break cuz chick thinks he hot.
You do realize that they separated before either knew that she was pregnant right?
Know your facts before you spew BS out your pie hole. [/quote]
Give me a fucking break. He dumps a supermodel, oo wait now shes pregnant, sorry too late I’m dating a differnt model now. Hes a good qb hes still an asshole.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
shizen wrote:
Stronghold wrote:
for you non-believers:
At least he is a giver and not a receiver
That is hysterical.[/quote]
Very, I love stuff like this. Radio station near me does sounds of the game on monday or tuesday I forget. Its just commentary thats taken out of context and is pretty hilarious.