Where do these guys shit?
[quote]KO421 wrote:
I have only seen the promos for this during ads.
There is this part where they show the back of one male mess, my first thought was “damn look at how wide his back is.”
I think I have issues[/quote]
That’s a different show. You’re thinking of a show called “Big Medicine.” That one is all about gastric bypass, extreme weight loss, and surgery to remove excess skin.
Those people actually do get good results and they work hard. They’ll never get the body that they would have had if they didn’t become morbidly obese, but they do look better and are a hell of a lot healthier.
I’m at a loss as to what to say…
I know that in their hearts, they feel that they are showing compassion…but I wish I could understand the reasoning and justification that Larry’s family is using for, quite frankly, slowly killing him…
[quote]sic wrote:
KO421 wrote:
I have only seen the promos for this during ads.
There is this part where they show the back of one male mess, my first thought was “damn look at how wide his back is.”
I think I have issues
That’s a different show. You’re thinking of a show called “Big Medicine.” That one is all about gastric bypass, extreme weight loss, and surgery to remove excess skin.
Those people actually do get good results and they work hard. They’ll never get the body that they would have had if they didn’t become morbidly obese, but they do look better and are a hell of a lot healthier.[/quote]
My bad, I think i got confused becuase they are both on TLC, TLC has the wierdest shows…
What is this show called?
That is good they actually are changing their lifes for the better on Big Medicine though.
[quote]Mufasa wrote:
I’m at a loss as to what to say…
I know that in their hearts, they feel that they are showing compassion…but I wish I could understand the reasoning and justification that Larry’s family is using for, quite frankly, slowly killing him…
The ONLY thing I can see is if they think he will kill himself quicker if they don’t. Otherwise, it makes no sense on any level. The man is apparently able to walk as long as the food is in the other room. Why then wouldn’t they at least make him work for his meals a little? It never occurred to them that putting the food in the other room was all it would take to get him out of bed? Unless the man is agoraphobic, I don’t understand why he would even want to stay in one room for years. If its low self esteem, no one felt the need to get that checked out before he hit over 400lbs?
I guess when dealing with someone so in denial that they translate 14,000cals to 2,000, you would never get a direct answer for why.
While were on the topic of being overweight and dying of heart attacks. Why the hell did the fact that Jeep Swenson was 400 pounds keep the doctors from operating on him? I heard it on the news when he died but for the life of me I will never understand it.
Wow, that’s part of the reason I want to be a physical therapist. Hopefully I can help some of these people, no matter how f’d up they are. Probably not - oh well.
Did no one else notice his neice giving major positive reinforcement for this behavior? “LOL I KNOW MY UNCLE…HE COULD EAT IT ALL IF HE WANTED LOL etc” like he was her hero or something. Where does the money for all that food come from? Is that entire family brainwashed morons?
[quote]Sliver wrote:
While were on the topic of being overweight and dying of heart attacks. Why the hell did the fact that Jeep Swenson was 400 pounds keep the doctors from operating on him? I heard it on the news when he died but for the life of me I will never understand it.[/quote]
Malpractice. I’m not familiar with the circumstances regarding swenson, but in general the risk of surgery-related medical complications on an obese person is a risk most doctors just don’t want to take. I don’t blame them. its risky enough cutting open a healthy 200 pound man.
I can’t imaging what a potential mess it would be to cut open a 700 pound man with an enlarged heart, clogged arteries, diabetes and various other conditions. So much could go wrong.
Post-Op complications are also absolutely horrendous in the Morbidly Obese…
Robo1 and Mufasa are right Doctors are afraid of malpractice suits and at the same time the complications of an obese person after surgery is also a big worry.
Considering the awful state of health insurance as a private capitalistic industry in this country causes the death of many Americans by refusing services while guys like the one below at least have a chance at medical help.
800 pound man. Ronnie can do about 3 deadlifts of him though. Nice points Professor, Sic, and everyone else I agree.
Look more child abuse
I think the reason why this bothers sane people more is the fact that there are millions of ways to die or hinder your life and this is completely controlled and caused by people, addiction or not. I wonder if there is a link also from past childhood abuse. If anyone wants to catch the program I think I posted the programming guide earlier in this thread.
[quote]sic wrote:
EmperialChina wrote:
Here is one clip for those who may not be able to see it, though this is not from the Brookhaven show I believe.
I like how his family says that if they don’t feed him, someone else will. Meaning that they are completely controlled by a 700lb man who can’t even get out of bed to use the bathroom.
They say if they don’t give him what he wants he’ll use his cell phone and order food. Well take the damn phone away! It’s not like he can chase you down and take it back!
He needs some tough love with a side of vegetables, not hot dogs and fried chicken.[/quote]
Listen at about the 2:05 mark, they say that he got up to 700lb, while eating $320.00 worth of food in a SITTING. Holy shit. That is about 2-3 weeks of clean foods for me, and my diet.
[quote]robo1 wrote:
Sliver wrote:
While were on the topic of being overweight and dying of heart attacks. Why the hell did the fact that Jeep Swenson was 400 pounds keep the doctors from operating on him? I heard it on the news when he died but for the life of me I will never understand it.
Malpractice. I’m not familiar with the circumstances regarding swenson, but in general the risk of surgery-related medical complications on an obese person is a risk most doctors just don’t want to take. I don’t blame them. its risky enough cutting open a healthy 200 pound man.
I can’t imaging what a potential mess it would be to cut open a 700 pound man with an enlarged heart, clogged arteries, diabetes and various other conditions. So much could go wrong.[/quote]
Yeah. But he wasn’t fat. He was 400 pounds of solid muscle.
Umm this is kind of a hijack, but I thought that this would be the right thread to ask this on. A while ago someone posted this fat website where people took pride in their obestiy. I thought it was fuckin hilarious. Does anyone know what the URL is?
[quote]Black Flag wrote:
Umm this is kind of a hijack, but I thought that this would be the right thread to ask this on. A while ago someone posted this fat website where people took pride in their obestiy. I thought it was fuckin hilarious. Does anyone know what the URL is?[/quote]
I know what your talking about.
I think the group was started for people that feel that they have/are being discriminated against b/c they are obese.
Here is the website guys.
Edit: I think John S. has the right link.
www.fantasyfeeders.com is what you guys are thinking about.
[quote]Sliver wrote:
While were on the topic of being overweight and dying of heart attacks. Why the hell did the fact that Jeep Swenson was 400 pounds keep the doctors from operating on him? I heard it on the news when he died but for the life of me I will never understand it.[/quote]
A severely obese person has a huge layer of fat surrounding their organs, which includes their lungs. The fat presses down on the lungs and makes it difficult for that person to take deep breaths. It also makes it really difficult to mechanically ventilate that person.
When someone is going through major surgery they are usually intubated and ventilated.
It’s just not nearly as effective on an obese person as it is on a normal sized person so it’s rather risky.
[quote]sic wrote:
Sliver wrote:
While were on the topic of being overweight and dying of heart attacks. Why the hell did the fact that Jeep Swenson was 400 pounds keep the doctors from operating on him? I heard it on the news when he died but for the life of me I will never understand it.
A severely obese person has a huge layer of fat surrounding their organs, which includes their lungs. The fat presses down on the lungs and makes it difficult for that person to take deep breaths. It also makes it really difficult to mechanically ventilate that person.
When someone is going through major surgery they are usually intubated and ventilated.
It’s just not nearly as effective on an obese person as it is on a normal sized person so it’s rather risky.[/quote]
Jeep Swenson was not “obese”. He was EXTREMELY muscular. He was the Bane character in Batman and Robin from years ago.
My god we should just start killing these people off. What good are they in society. Sorry to be so harsh but we are wasting a lot of money on trying to “fix” them. Let those doctors work on curing cancer and Aids for christs sake.