Anyone else catch this in flexonline (btw I don’tread flexonline) I saw it on another bb site. Kinda suprising. They mention a third guy who I’ve never heard of?
Yeah I’m from Vegas and they found a burned out car (Titus’) with a body in the trunk and they have not seen Titus or his wife since. It’s all over the news here.
The only Titus I know is the comedian.
Who are you talking about?
Google Craig Titus and his wife is fitness competitor Kelly Ryan.
Those idiots are COOKED. No doubt down in mexico hiding in some shit motel, gone the last 4 days w/out any sleep and knowing it’s just a matter of time before they’re INSIDE for all day. Titus obviously is a major X & coke addict (like another famous BB named Chris…). The idiot already is a convicted felon.
U will NEVER see that fool on bodybuilding stage again, rest assured of that.
Jeez, what great genetic potential thrown away over nothing.
[quote]TestOnly wrote:
Those idiots are COOKED. No doubt down in mexico hiding in some shit motel, gone the last 4 days w/out any sleep and knowing it’s just a matter of time before they’re INSIDE for all day. Titus obviously is a major X & coke addict (like another famous BB named Chris…). The idiot already is a convicted felon.
U will NEVER see that fool on bodybuilding stage again, rest assured of that.
Jeez, what great genetic potential thrown away over nothing.[/quote]
I don’t see the connection between being a convicted felon and being an idiot. Duchaine was a convicted felon…
Voltaire was in prison also…Thoreau was in prison…Socrates…Nelson Mandela…
I have an easier time thinking of Nobel Prize winners who were in prison, as a matter of fact, than those who were cops.
“Ryan proceeded to tell her that her life was ruined because she bought seven bottles of lighter fluid at Wal-Mart with her credit card at 3:30 a.m.”
Ryan may have been Ms. Fitness America, but she damn sure ain’t Ms. Smartness America.
Buying lighter fluid with your credit card…sheesh! Probably posed for the instore cameras too.
[quote]Anthony Roberts wrote:
TestOnly wrote:
Those idiots are COOKED. No doubt down in mexico hiding in some shit motel, gone the last 4 days w/out any sleep and knowing it’s just a matter of time before they’re INSIDE for all day. Titus obviously is a major X & coke addict (like another famous BB named Chris…). The idiot already is a convicted felon.
U will NEVER see that fool on bodybuilding stage again, rest assured of that.
Jeez, what great genetic potential thrown away over nothing.
I don’t see the connection between being a convicted felon and being an idiot. Duchaine was a convicted felon…
Voltaire was in prison also…Thoreau was in prison…Socrates…Nelson Mandela…
I have an easier time thinking of Nobel Prize winners who were in prison, as a matter of fact, than those who were cops.
Bro the dude is obviously unstable as hell and a narcotic addict. Mix the 3 way sex, Xtasy & cocaine, and the “party” lifestyle which he led is doesn’t take a nobel peace prize to come to the conclusion he made a BIG mistake which is going put him inside ALL day. Ryan father was totally against the marriage and put requirements on Titus before the wedding. IF he was innocent why run…???
As much as Ryan’s father dislikes Titus IF he’s able to get out of major time and Ryan goes inside for good stretch watch what happens to Titus. I don’t think old man Ryan would kill him but he would Louisville slugger his ass into a coma…I have no doubts. Wouldn’t U for ur child…I damn sure would.
[quote]I don’t see the connection between being a convicted felon and being an idiot. Duchaine was a convicted felon…
Voltaire was in prison also…Thoreau was in prison…Socrates…Nelson Mandela…
I have an easier time thinking of Nobel Prize winners who were in prison, as a matter of fact, than those who were cops.
^ Which one of the great thinkers U cited was a street drug addicted bodybuilder w/ numerous narcotics charges and at least (1) major FELONY conviction. BTW, Duchaine was convicted on a steroid related charge NOT some bathtub shit like X. Duchaine’s steroid contributions to bodybuilding are beyond reproach so I won’t waste my time pretending to compare my steroid knowledge w/ his.
Sorry if my opinion offends U but Titus has led this kinda life for a long time and now he just pay the ultimate price for it. Too bad something like Ryan got invovled w/ him.
Bro the dude is obviously unstable as hell and a narcotic addict. Mix the 3 way sex, Xtasy & cocaine, and the “party” lifestyle which he led is doesn’t take a nobel peace prize to come to the conclusion he made a BIG mistake which is going put him inside ALL day. Ryan father was totally against the marriage and put requirements on Titus before the wedding. IF he was innocent why run…???
According to the below link they suspected of running to Greece.
[quote]TestOnly wrote:
I don’t see the connection between being a convicted felon and being an idiot. Duchaine was a convicted felon…
Voltaire was in prison also…Thoreau was in prison…Socrates…Nelson Mandela…
I have an easier time thinking of Nobel Prize winners who were in prison, as a matter of fact, than those who were cops.
^ Which one of the great thinkers U cited was a street drug addicted bodybuilder w/ numerous narcotics charges and at least (1) major FELONY conviction. BTW, Duchaine was convicted on a steroid related charge NOT some bathtub shit like X. Duchaine’s steroid contributions to bodybuilding are beyond reproach so I won’t waste my time pretending to compare my steroid knowledge w/ his.
Sorry if my opinion offends U but Titus has led this kinda life for a long time and now he just pay the ultimate price for it.
I don’t find an inherent morality to be associated with either narcotics, steroids, or a “party” lifestyle. I can, however, name 4 people who have all written books on steroids who have used recreational drugs pretty frequently (but I won’t). I mean…even Duchaine used Nubain a bit…and…remember when he published the recipe for GHB?
As far as him not using some “bathtub shit like X”…well…he gave us the first recipe on how to make tren from fina pellets in our homes, how to make GHB in our homes, and hmm…he was arrested for an offence related to…umm…making his own liquid clen (fruit punch flavor) on his stove. Bathtub shit? I’d say so…
As far as great thinkers and drugs, I would point to Cooleridge (who wrote Kubla Khan), Lewis Caroll (a very good logician and mathmetician who wrote Alice in Wonderland), and…well…there’s scores of others that I can name.
As for how many people I named had “felony” convictions…well…there’s Duchaine…I don’t think they had felonies back in the day, but I believe if you served time, it was equivalent to a felony now…
Yea…right… theres definitely a medicinal use for Xtacy and cocaine.
Strange the “inherently” when someone runs from the scene of murder they 99% of the time had something to do w/ it.
As I said B4, if choir boy titus was so squeeky clean why is a NO BAIL fugitive FELONY warrant for him?
Putting Titus in the same class as the thinker U liste, hell even in Duchaine’s class is ludicrous.
Mark my words > they WILL find Titus, he will plea to a somwhat less FELONY and he WILL do time AND lose Ryan who will get off w/ probation and at most a few months at a halfway house.
Wasn’t Duchaine indicted or conspiracy and mislabeling drug containers…both FELONIES. Served like 30 months I think.
Christmas in the can over some loser sleaze drughead embezzling skank…yea what a THINKER. Adios Titus. I bet Kamali is laughing his ass off.
Titus and his wife where arrested tonight in Stoughton, MA (south-west of boston . The story was the local lead on the Fox affiliate here in Ma.
Joe E O
I’m pissed – I tried to load a picture from her site here, and put a Bic lighter in her hand. Sigh…my computer skills need updating
Yea the caught those two idiots at a freakin Nail salon while Kelly was getting a pedicure. I don’t suspect she’ll be getting those in lockdown. Craig was being the attentive husband waiting in the truck in parking lot.
Jeez I’d be in central american by now. GetBig’s got more info. Seems Ron tapped his boy to go on MSNBC to do some PR. That MF looked huge and definitely was good public image for bodybuilding.
As I said B4, what a waste of genetic potential. All becuz he’s narcotic addict. Steroids had NOTHING to do w/ his in my opinion.
[quote]Anthony Roberts wrote:
I don’t see the connection between being a convicted felon and being an idiot. Duchaine was a convicted felon…[/quote]
he was not making the connection that being a convicted felon was being an idiot - he implied that Titus should have known better CONSIDERING he was a convicted felon. That (and many other things) are what makes him an IDIOT.
Voltaire was in prison also…Thoreau was in prison…Socrates…Nelson Mandela…[/quote]
It’s a bit of a stretch to imply that Titus has anything in common with those guys don’t you think ?
If the facts of this case, as they are being reported are indeed true, then Titus truly is a fucking idiot.
That dude sticks out like a sore thumb anywhere he goes.
what? read that again. It makes no sense.
I saw the broadcast on MSNBC last night and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.“BODYBUILDERS AT LARGE !” was what the screen read.Then I saw the Titus mugshot and he looked a bit tired. But then I saw Kelly Ryan’s photo…HOLY CRAP!!! Her face was hideous!Words cannot describe the shock and disappointment I felt .She had her lips injected or something,a botched eye lift,and about 2 inches added to her forehead!What a waste.It seems that for the past year they shyed away from the bb scene and began to travel down the road to depravity.Damn shame about the victim too