Tiger and Earl Nike Ad - What Do You Think?


Some people I’ve spoken to have said it is tasteless.
I think it shows Tiger as being human and Nike like the friend by your side. It portrays Nike as the authentic and meaningful brand in your life, not like those other brands that’ll dropped you.

I might have to reconsider my loyalty to Gillette, they just don’t have my back.

[quote]Raided wrote:

Some people I’ve spoken to have said it is tasteless.
I think it shows Tiger as being human and Nike like the friend by your side. It portrays Nike as the authentic and meaningful brand in your life, not like those other brands that’ll dropped you.

I might have to reconsider my loyalty to Gillette, they just don’t have my back. [/quote]

Are you serious! Nike an ‘authentic n meaningful brand in your life’ LOL! Where is their shit made? How is it made? These companies have no ones ‘back’ except their own bottom line! Are you so naive not to know this or do you work for nike?

As for the voice from the grave asking Tiger what he was thinking n feeling, c’mon, he was thinking ass n pussy’ n feeling the joys of being up to his neck in said ass n pussy.

This ad is tasteless n pure cheese I cant believe nike ran with it! He screwed 9 or more women, oh I feel sooo sorry for him and his awful sex addiction LOL

John Edward’s wife had cancer and he cheated on her. Where’s his commercial?

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
John Edward’s wife had cancer and he cheated on her. Where’s his commercial?


Bitch slapping is where the likes of nike draw the line’ they have morals n all. Gimp masks n strap ons are good to go though…

lovin the avatar…

[quote]worzel wrote:

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
John Edward’s wife had cancer and he cheated on her. Where’s his commercial?


lovin the avatar…


me too, sir. me too

This video has been all over the net the past few days and it’s been dubbed over and edited so much and I haven’t seen the original.
The thing with the internet sometimes. Stuff goes so fast you’re asking yourself where this new thing/saying/picture/meme comes from ,where did it start, what does it mean and is it real or not.

OK, went on youtube and saw that that video the OP has is the original. Sorry.

I really don’t care about Tiger cheating, but the director should’ve told him not to pout so much. Very kickable face right there.

What a shitty commercial. Tiger’s indiscretions aren’t interesting enough to warrant any more exposure…especially in a Nike commercial.

At least it’s not as bad as the Cheetah ads featuring Ben Johnson.

[quote]worzel wrote:

[quote]Raided wrote:

Some people I’ve spoken to have said it is tasteless.
I think it shows Tiger as being human and Nike like the friend by your side. It portrays Nike as the authentic and meaningful brand in your life, not like those other brands that’ll dropped you.

I might have to reconsider my loyalty to Gillette, they just don’t have my back. [/quote]

Are you serious! Nike an ‘authentic n meaningful brand in your life’ LOL! Where is their shit made? How is it made? These companies have no ones ‘back’ except their own bottom line! Are you so naive not to know this or do you work for nike?[/quote]

Lol, no I didnt say they were meaningful in MY life but it is how Nike wants to be portrayed. Just like Coca-Cola is loved by many and remembered for ‘being there’ at every family occasion and party ever and through this power of marketing they’re one of the most successful and admired companies ever.

My comment about Gillette not having my back was meant as a joke by the way I couldn’t use Wilkinson sword.

[quote]worzel wrote:
As for the voice from the grave asking Tiger what he was thinking n feeling, c’mon, he was thinking ass n pussy’ n feeling the joys of being up to his neck in said ass n pussy.[/quote]

On a more philosophical note, you’re not him, you haven’t banged that many women and you don’t know what he was thinking. I too would like to know what he was thinking, it’s a lot of effort to go to for some excitement, I doubt very much that the reasoning is open as shut as you put it. Brains are like eyes, in that it doesn’t take much of an eye to distinguish between black and white and it’s the colours and details that are interesting.

If the media hype was less, 50% less people who have seen it. I am not sure I saw it with sound other than partly on the news.

Honestly I think it was a good move by Nike. They had to address this in someway. They couldn’t just continue to act like Tiger is perfect. And like some of you have said: the fact that it is somewhat ‘controversial’ twice as many people have seen it than would have normally.

Nike wins.

I think this one was brilliant…

[quote]CGspot wrote:
Honestly I think it was a good move by Nike. They had to address this in someway. They couldn’t just continue to act like Tiger is perfect. And like some of you have said: the fact that it is somewhat ‘controversial’ twice as many people have seen it than would have normally.

Nike wins.[/quote]

I think everyone involved should just move forward. It’s his personal life at the end of the day and he owes no one except his family anything. The very best thing he can do is no comment and play golf. The public’s memory is VERY short. People buy Nike because they like Nike or because Tiger is the best golfer in the world. Michael Jordan cheated on his wife prolifically, gambled, was a lousy team mate and a general asshole at times, and Nike (or Michael) never felt the need to run cheesey see thru ads.

Yeah I’m all done with this Tiger stuff.

He apologized, got therapy, did this commercial, and what… still placed in the top 5 in the Masters? Clearly he’s adapted and overcame the distractors of this whole mess, at least professionally. That’s all I care about anyway. I love watching Tiger do what Tiger does on the golf course.

Fucking guy can make magic happen with one swing and he’s done it more than anyone else currently playing the game. He brings the drama to a sport that absolutely needs it, and that’s WITHOUT all the chicks around the globe he’s bedded.