[quote]KSman wrote:
Please read these stickies:
advice for new guys
thyroid basics
Verify that thermometer is good, someone else should be able to get 98.6 with it.
Are you iodine deficient from using sea salt or no salt at all. Should be using iodized salt and/or vitamins that list iodine AND selenium.
If one is iodine deficient, often others in the home are too. Check their temperatures.
Is your thyroid enlarged, achy, asymmetric or lumpy?
Post all of your lab work with lab ranges. Hoping for TSH, fT3, fT4
Have you had a lot of stress, illnesses, surgeries, accidents, job lost or other crisis that seem to wear you done?[/quote]
Read the stickys- check.
Thermo showed slight deviation, bought a new one and morning temp was 96 even.
I take a thyroid supplement that has iodine, selenium, b vitamins, etc.
Thyroid shows no lumps, tenderness, or any kind of physical abnormality.
It is hard to get docs to check ft3 and ft4. I know “find another one” and I did. Telling a doctor what to do usually doesn’t get me anywhere.
I have had more stress, two chronic illnesses, and many many things that wear me down on a daily basis. I am only still here by the good lords graces. I have attempted suicide before because of other illnesses. I have a muscular condition that the doctors believe is causing the thyroid issue. It is called myofibrositis aka myofacial pain syndrome.
If it’s normal to be this low in temp then I will steer clear of thyroid meds. They always seem to make me speedy and jittery in a bad way.