[quote]Natural Nate wrote:
Mick28 wrote:
Like the old joke goes: Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
Okay seriously, you have to realize that these guys are just trying to be cool. Keep in mind the sort of sight that you’re on. They have to say what they’re saying…what if someone said. I love my wife and getting married was the best thing that ever happened to me. My wife and I share most things in life and it’s just great.
You see?
That’s not very T-Manly now is it?
Forget what everyone …at least on this sight…has to say. I mean you might be giving this sight too much credit. Keep in mind they have things like “ass worship” threads…you know what I’m saying? If you went over to the “Ladies Home Journal” sight you would get a far different view of marriage. But then again I guess that would be as twisted in one direction as this sight is in the other.
Hey…here’s an idea…
If you’ve found someone that you love and that loves you for who you are …go get married. You don’t need the approval or opinion of anyone on this sight.
In the end “marriage” is not good or bad, it’s both. Just like anything else it’s the people involved that can either make it good or bad.
And get a prenup.
I agree prenup all the way.
If you are willing to go into one potential life long contract then why not counter it with another contract for insurance reasons.
I know why my wife is fighting a legal divorce,reason is because even though she moved to another state and she is with someone else and I too had other people in my life,she still wants to cash in when i buy my house and she wants me to help pay for her medical which i am doing in the form of medical insurance its too much a pain to change all that paperwork.
I did truly love my wife and in ways I still do, Idid promise to take care of her and love her till I died because well we were best friends and then lovers and it seemed right.
I dont care who you are EVERYONE has a face,they put on a face to get what they want from you weather its the sweet lines to pick them up,the fancy perfume that you like,the way they do thier hair even.
once your married and they know deep down maybe subconciencely they know they can then really be themselves and thats when you learn that maybe they are truly right for you or most often then not they are wrong.
face it we live in the real world and love stories do happen and end up happily ever after with house and picket fence and the 3.5 kids however its rare and don’t say we didnt tell you when your lady decides she was too young to be tied down the way she is and runs off with someone from her work that she thinks is better suited for her after she thinks your boring.