Thoughts on First Cycle (Test E & EQ)

Hey guys, I have been a huge fan of this site for a couple years but just now made an account. I’ve been lifting over 10 years recreationally and 5 years seriously. I

'm 29 years old, Six feet tall, currently 195 pounds. I spent most of my prime years of weightlifting majoring in the minors (no squats or deads, lots of curls…etc). I became enlightened on strength training a couple years ago.

My best stats are 295 bench, 130 press, 315 deadlift, 255 squat, which all happened right before a severe case of tendonitis that I am 95% recovered from. I have done 3 ph cycles before, one Furazabolin and 2 Haloplex cycles. Both had great results until the tendon injury.

Anyways, I spent several months researching cycles starting with an “anabolic bible” site and eventually had this cycle approved from my dealer. I just wanted to get a second opinion on here since opinions seem to widely vary. This cycle is designed as a bulk turned into recomp with a goal to be 200 pounds at the end but drop 2-3% body fat.

Two weeks before: preload Cycle Assist and D-Pol (actually one month on D-Pol)

Weeks 1-12 300mg EQ, Cycle Assist
Weeks 2-13 300mg Test E, Cycle Assist
Adex on hand through weeks 1-13 (not expecting sides at this low a dose)
HCG weeks 9-13 (250, 250, 500, 500) This is where I’m not sure…
Fish Oil, Multivitamin, Glucosamine to be taken throughout as well

PCT 4 weeks:
Clomid 50, 25, 25, 25
OTC PCT Assist
Animal Stak

The reason I am not running Test E alone is for injury prevention. Due to a previous tendonitis condition, I found several sources that said EQ was great for collagen synthesis. I figured 600 mg of gear was plenty for a first cycle, but I am very open to opinions. I have done research, but every case seems unique and I love hearing from experienced users. Again, my dealer approved this but just wanted to hear some 2nd opinions before I start. Thank you.

EDIT: I forgot to mention an important detail. PCT will begin a full two weeks after the least EQ pin, and a week after the last Test E pin.

PCT is supposed to start 14 days after last test e injection

I understood that PCT started 14 days after the last EQ injection, but 7 days after the last test e injection by my source. 14 days after the last test e shot would put PCT starting 21 days after the last EQ pin. Anyone else have input on this?

[quote]Rusty5150 wrote:

Two weeks before: preload Cycle Assist and D-Pol (actually one month on D-Pol)

Weeks 1-12 300mg EQ, Cycle Assist
Weeks 2-13 300mg Test E, Cycle Assist
Adex on hand through weeks 1-13 (not expecting sides at this low a dose)
HCG weeks 9-13 (250, 250, 500, 500) This is where I’m not sure…
Fish Oil, Multivitamin, Glucosamine to be taken throughout as well

PCT 4 weeks:
Clomid 50, 25, 25, 25
OTC PCT Assist
Animal Stak


Rusty, let me preface this post by stating that I am by no means a professional or veteran user. I’m simply offering you my thoughts on your proposed cycle, based on my research and experience.

Buy 3 blood tests…A pre/6th week/postpct. You can get a good panel for around 50 bucks (each) using an online service. It’s important to compare your baseline during cycle, should any products problems arise. Also, you want to know any detriment the cycle caused post use. I strongly believe in the significance of bloods, especially for a first cycle.

The Dpol(DAA) isn’t going to do you much good pre-cycle. I would save it for PCT to help promote free test after shutdown.

Run the AI as a preventative regardless. ~.25mg EoD-E3D would be where I would start the dosing. It’ll keep the water down and off your heart. Also, you don’t want to end up with a gyno lump…Mine appeared without symptoms.

I would also run the HCG throughout cycle. 200IU/wk at your dose. Keep your boys online and lesson the PCT burden.

Might want to consider having Tamox/Raloxifene on hand just in case.

Hope this helps and best of luck to you.