Hey guys, I have been a huge fan of this site for a couple years but just now made an account. I’ve been lifting over 10 years recreationally and 5 years seriously. I
'm 29 years old, Six feet tall, currently 195 pounds. I spent most of my prime years of weightlifting majoring in the minors (no squats or deads, lots of curls…etc). I became enlightened on strength training a couple years ago.
My best stats are 295 bench, 130 press, 315 deadlift, 255 squat, which all happened right before a severe case of tendonitis that I am 95% recovered from. I have done 3 ph cycles before, one Furazabolin and 2 Haloplex cycles. Both had great results until the tendon injury.
Anyways, I spent several months researching cycles starting with an “anabolic bible” site and eventually had this cycle approved from my dealer. I just wanted to get a second opinion on here since opinions seem to widely vary. This cycle is designed as a bulk turned into recomp with a goal to be 200 pounds at the end but drop 2-3% body fat.
Two weeks before: preload Cycle Assist and D-Pol (actually one month on D-Pol)
Weeks 1-12 300mg EQ, Cycle Assist
Weeks 2-13 300mg Test E, Cycle Assist
Adex on hand through weeks 1-13 (not expecting sides at this low a dose)
HCG weeks 9-13 (250, 250, 500, 500) This is where I’m not sure…
Fish Oil, Multivitamin, Glucosamine to be taken throughout as well
PCT 4 weeks:
Clomid 50, 25, 25, 25
OTC PCT Assist
Animal Stak
The reason I am not running Test E alone is for injury prevention. Due to a previous tendonitis condition, I found several sources that said EQ was great for collagen synthesis. I figured 600 mg of gear was plenty for a first cycle, but I am very open to opinions. I have done research, but every case seems unique and I love hearing from experienced users. Again, my dealer approved this but just wanted to hear some 2nd opinions before I start. Thank you.
EDIT: I forgot to mention an important detail. PCT will begin a full two weeks after the least EQ pin, and a week after the last Test E pin.