Someone elsewhere thought this was a lot of T and HCG to start off with, esp without an AI. I do have ridiculously low body fat, and would be doing injections 3x a week, subQ:
150mg t-cyp per week, split into 3 50mg injections
300IU HCG 3x per week (total of 900)
I was almost thinking of holding the HCG for a month or so and see how just the T works.
Thoughts? Or should I shut up and let Defy know what they’re doing
Bonus question: would you alternate T and HCG days, or use the same needle?
Impossible to comment without your history, symptoms, pertinent exam findings and labs. Your doctor has those and your treatment plan is based on that information.
If you use smaller needles, which you could at those doses, you wouldn’t need to inject them together.
Thats because those asshats over on EM keep pinging Dr Saya about prescribing an AL before it is needed. I can’t believe he listened to their drivel.
I have been with Defy 2 years now and your protocol was my first as well except I was given .125mg anastrozole to be taken with each shot up to three times a week if needed and thank god I had it my E2 went up to 62. I did mini blood test every 6 weeks just because I was curious and Defy’s blood test prices can’t be beat.
My SHGB fell from 38 to 25 so my Free T zoomed to over 40. I reduced my dose to 120/wk an that has been perfect for over 10 months. I take 1 some times 2 AI per week.
Didn’t get tested last time, but here are some historical numbers. 2/9 was tested about 5-6 hours after waking up, and 3/21 & 3/30 were on Clomid, FYI.
Good. Maybe ask them if u can start at 100. You can always increase. With 150 you increase your chances of needing an AI. And I find it interesting when they want you to inject 3x a week with a mildy high shbg.
I’m sure they get a cut of the drug profits but I don’t think that is the main reason why they start you high.
My theory, and it is only a theory is they know you are paying out of pocket no insurance accepted and secretly we all wonder what 1000+ TT would feel like. For everyone except >60+ SHGB guys will hit 1000 plus on 150/wk. Then once you’ve been there and realize it did not do shiit you are taken back down to a proper level and there is a very good chance you will not attempt any blasts in the future.
I did T mono for 6 months with my regular doctor, both of us had no clue what we were doing, and my balls pulled up against my body, E2 and prolactin went over range TT was just 650 and I was getting sharp stabbing pains in my groin. HCG fixed it my boys swing proper now.
dogwhisperer since you have a script for 150 keep it. If you want startout with 100 you just won’t have to order your T bottles as often. IMO never ask them to cut your script dose. There is nothing wrong with taking less. Just don’t jack your dose around ever couple weeks you need to pict a dose and stick with it for atleast 40 days. That is how long T cyp takes to reach steady state.
The next time you talk with Defy ask for a AI script for emergencies. Tell them you will only take it if you have high E2 symptoms. They will understand and give you the script.
Remind them it take 3week to 2 months for a consult. When you need an AI you need it NOW.
There is no correlation between the two.
Injecting T will shut your natural production down HCG will attempt to keep your leydig cells functioning. That is all it does.
As I understand it you don’t want to take an AI.
DHEA and HCG both increase E2.
How about keeping the HCG script but don’t take it until you notice something bad happening with your testis. My favorite amount is 800IU/week. I suck it up in my T syringe and inject both at the same time. HCG first then Tcyp. The HCG is the last to leave so there is no wasted T left in the syringe.
NO HCG and no DHEA supplement with an SHGB of 40 120mg/wk should be right on the money. I know you don’t want to do twice a week but it would be better. Have you considered sub-Q in the belly fat with a 27ga 1/2" easytouch syringe. It is painless.
You will get a smaller T spike 24-48hours after injection. Your body makes E2 will the extra T floating around. So you get an big E2 spike right after the T. Smaller doses more often reduced the spiking and your peaks and troughs will be closer together making you feel more stable.
If every 3.5 days just won’t work don’t do it. Give the 120 6 weeks and do a mini blood test and adjust accordingly.
There is a plus to once a week. You have a very good chance the one big shot will reduce your SHGB and the lower your SHGB the more Free T is made and you want free T more than anything else. Saying that guys with in the dirt SHGB like single digits into teens have problems keeping enough free T in their system to feel it they piss it all out.