Thomas Paine Speaks About Modern America

Very compelling, what do you think?

I’m actually really surprised he did all that in two takes.

Very rousing. Very powerful.

Not necessarily very accurate.

The ‘silent majority’ one assumes is ‘silent’ for a reason.

I meant to put this in politics/world issues.

I believe you.

If you ask the mods, they’ll probably move it.

Thanks. He’s pretty good!


Man, this thing pissed me off when Beck ran it and it pisses me off now. Thomas Paine would not have advocated slavery.


Mike, are you serious? I didn’t catch that.

[quote]Otep wrote:
I’m actually really surprised he did all that in two takes.

He had a teleprompter


[quote]katzenjammer wrote:
Mike, are you serious? I didn’t catch that. [/quote]

Sorry Katz, this guy did another one and I thought this was the one where he called for a Universal Draft. But since I’m drunk (my buddy from the Corps is here) and I’m feeling obtuse:

!: Don’t play Paine and talk of God until you’ve read “Age of Reason” (I’m a Deist/Christian and Paine was full Diest)

2: As a squad leader of a local militia, I’m sick of Glenn Beck and guys like this pissing on us like we’re crazies. We’re not all racists, and we’re not all calling for violence now, just as we weren’t all calling for violence post Seven-Year’s War. Most of us just recognize and are willing to use force of arms when sending tea bags in a letter fails. Speaking personally, I just don’t want to get caught with my pants down if your (now right-wing) hippie marches fail.


P.S. And I can still spell properly.